Food you hate

Celery - Can't understand why anyone likes - just tastes of chemicals to me
Cauliflower - As above but not as intense
Sprouts - Tastes like what I'd imagine unwashed underwear would.
Pork Chops - I think i'm a victim of how they've been cooked, but I find them tough, dry and tasteless.
Sprouts....they are food of the devil :(

Last time I tried one I must have been around 12....I cried :(

I didn't used to like sprouts until recently. They're still not my favourite thing, they're like a poor mini version of a cabbage IMO, but I'd eat them. In fact, I like a lot of veg now which I didn't like as a child. Try them again.

Still can't get away with mushrooms (awful texture), parsnips, cauliflower, brocolli, beetroot or turnip though. Oh, celery is awful too.

I don't like winter veg, much prefer peas, carrots, sweetcorn, various beans, cabbage etc

I like pretty much all meats, most reasonable offal (ie not interested in trying foreskin fried rings or marinated heart valves) and will eat most fish/squid etc, even though it's not my thing really. Not a fan of shelfish other than prawns. Can't understand peoples unwillingness to eat certain animals because they are fluffy or due to irrational reasoning (why eat cow, but not horse etc) either :s

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Crying as a child, so you've never tried them since. Children are also more susceptible to bitter taste.

Some of you. No cheese or mushrooms :eek: ah well more for.

Kidney on its own I find to strong. Fine in things like steak and kidney pies though.

Agree on the kidneys; in a pie or stew with other ingredients theyre fine but on their own bleuurggghh.
i cant think of anything i don't like,ill try anything to be honest,that's what food's all about isn't it ?

even my 4 year old put's most adult's to shame with her food,the only thing she wont eat is chilli-con-carne.

her fav is liver and bacon :)
Coriander - the green leafy stuff, seeds are fine. It tastes like soap/detergent to me
Liver - Horrible texture but love it as Pate etc.

You've ruined my life now. I was going to ask you to marry me but, if you don't like coriander or liver, our love can never be :( ;)

Tofu. Though it's not really what I'd consider a "food".

I wouldn't say I hate it but I don't see the point in it. It has zero flavour and the texture is freaky - bordering on unpleasant. Forget it and just eat chicken instead - you know it makes sense :D
There's really only two foods I can actually say I hate:

  1. Butter Beans - think I was force fed them as a child. :eek:
  2. Suet Pastry - anything made with this I just can't eat, think it's the texture as well as the taste - disgusting. My OH likes to make dumplings when I make a stew in the slow cooker. My portion is always kept separate when she does this!
Still would happily eat everything mentioned so far.

A lot of picky people here :p

As for Tofu, it is an amazing source of protein and it has as much flavour as you like, you just got to know how to cook :p
The only thing that I truly hate (and even the smell of it makes me gag) is baked beans. Utterly revolting stuff and I don't get how anyone can hold that filth down after eating it *bleaurgh*
Cockles and Mussels, extreme saltiness and rubbery texture, just can't see the appeal!:confused: Not too keen on prawns and crab either.
I'll eat anything, anything, including insects, grubs, and testicles from various animals (which I have done.) But I can't stand mushy peas. Love peas, can't stand mushy peas, and also, processed peas. Garden peas I'll eat by the bag.
Onions. Growing up the smell/taste/texture of raw or cooked Onions was enough to make me gag and sick pretty much straight away. Now days I'm not phased about the smell of cooked Onions but I still can't abide the texture or taste and raw Onions are still a massive no-no. If someone starts cutting an Onion in the same room as me I have to leave before I can smell it and I can't eat food that has had an Onion on it as I can taste where it was.

It is strange though as I know when I eat something like Chicken korma from a take-away that there is a good chance there will be an Onion paste in it but it doesn't bother but anything else I can't stand. Can make buying food pretty tricky and the amount of times I've gone to buy something as simple as a Cheese sauce from a supermarket and not been able to due to it having Onions is is rather annoying!

So yeah I don't like Onions... Feel free to laugh now :p
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