I'm sorry but I don't buy this at all. Alder Hey Children's Hospital announced that they received a large donation from a footballer who specifically asked to remain anonymous. The initiative that PL players are working on now only came to light following the attacks on footballers and was reportedly being worked on for several days prior.
Hence why the rest of my quote (that you omitted stated "unless done in a very low key manner" such as anonymously like you say.
Footballers are no different to anybody else. Some will be greedy ********* but the majority won't. I've never understood why footballers are always a target and yet actors, musicians, tv presenters, bankers and politicians don't receive 10% of the abuse, despite in many cases doing far less work for their money.
Actors works has dried up, they won't be getting paid other than royalties. Along with all of the studio staff, writers, directors, etc etc etc.
Musicians ^^ (also, what I call talented musicians aren't paid fairly in relation to their skill while less talented, or talent less in some cases, are paid way more due to how the industry is), not forgetting all of their back up crew for live events. They could well still be working though, writing recording etc.
TV Presenters are still in the main still working and earning their wage. (Gary Lineker though? I hope he's been furloughed on to £2500 p/m)
Bankers are still working.
Politicians are still working, albeit now in a reduced form. Also, they most definitely do not get paid enough for what they are supposed to do, hence why we get the numpties that are already millionaires doing at as a power trip.
I think footballers rightly should be criticised. Anyone, in any job, that is paid more in a week than the PM in a year gets has got to expect questions on why the **** they are paid that much, especially when they aren't actually doing their job.
Some of the more highly paid players would be perfectly fine if they didn't have a wage coming in for 6 months while the game is stopped as they'll have other sources of income. Maybe it would make them realise what the rest of us are having to deal with. Yea, I agree with your points about wealthy club owners, they shouldn't be the beneficiaries of any tax payer money or even stopping paying players altogether, but then how do you compel them not to be the greedy ********* we're all seeing them to be right now?
My question is though, at what point DO you stop paying the players? 3 months? 6? 12? Never? That decision isn't being made as quick as the one to furlough out the non-playing staff and it's horrid.