Football Banter Thread

Wow, so are they trying to say only people from Africa/India watch it or something?

Seems to have a heavy people of colour balance to it.
Wow, so are they trying to say only people from Africa/India watch it or something?

Seems to have a heavy people of colour balance to it.

?! Wow. Aside from being borderline racist that comment is utter nonsense - only "people of colour" like bright colours?

It's a real departure from the current colour palette but given that most people will interact with the brand on screen or digital applications they probably felt it needed to be given a punch to allow instant recognition. Also with higher ticket prices etc. forcing younger people away from games there needs to be a change in tact in trying to appeal to that audience.

Bit of a shame to lose the full lion, think they could've used both depending on application but will reserve judgement to see how the whole thing comes to life next year.
Might as well start the week with some conspiracy theory or other nonsense:

Yes, I'm bored this morning but it does make you wonder with some of the refereeing decisions we're getting. Removes tin foil hat...

Its hilarious that some people will take that seriously. If you were going to pick a team to "help" win the title you wouldn't go for leicester.
The worst part of that table is how terrible the teams below Utd must have been since then, because we've been horrendous!
I'd be over the moon with either Leicester or Tott winning the league. Hope Arsenal don't steal it. Nothing against the gunners but it would be awesome to have a new team winning it.
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