Football Banter Thread

Surely the discussion of where a player might end up when a new manager comes in falls under football chat and not a thread relating to the January transfer window???


And Pellegrini hasn't been sacked so why move the Cosimo post to the sack thread?
Surely the discussion of where a player might end up when a new manager comes in falls under football chat and not a thread relating to the January transfer window???


And Pellegrini hasn't been sacked so why move the Cosimo post to the sack thread?

Because discussion about a manager leaving a job or joining a club is better suited in there than a banter thread. Just like discussion about to which club a player will be sold to is better suited in a transfer thread than a banter thread. It's very simple.
But the title of this thread also has chat & news in it's not simple, as Sterling is not going anywhere in January so would not fit in a thread about the January transfer window.....
Yes it is simple. Read the opening post, this thread has and will again be closed if people continually post everything and anything in this thread. The purpose of this thread is for stupid news articles, jokes etc.

Do you really think that discussing a potential transfer is best done in here rather than a transfer thread? I don't think anybody is pedantic enough to mind that it won't happen in January.
Merson's a ****, shut ya trap son. Let's not even get onto his weekly "predictions"..

Tbh I think he's bang on, the kid isn't learning and he's blaming Martinez. As I have said more and more people are looking at that Everton side and wondering wtf Martinez is doing.
Yes it is simple. Read the opening post, this thread has and will again be closed if people continually post everything and anything in this thread. The purpose of this thread is for stupid news articles, jokes etc.

Do you really think that discussing a potential transfer is best done in here rather than a transfer thread? I don't think anybody is pedantic enough to mind that it won't happen in January.

Of course I expect someone to be pedantic, it's OcUK, the home of pedantry. What happens when the January transfer thread is closed? Where do we discuss things? I mean 2014's got locked on Feb 1st....

I did read the OP:

The idea was for unimportant, fun stuff and general bits and bobs

Surely it falls in line with general bits and bobs.
No it doesn't. If there's a tiny piece of news that doesn't have any relevance to threads already running and isn't worthy of starting a new thread (Cosimo's Euro 2016 app post for example) then fine, stick it in here. Discussing Pellegrini leaving City or who might buy Sterling shouldn't be done in here - there are obvious threads these could be discussed in.

If you're really that fussed about me moving the posts you can email me or if you wish another Don about it or raise a thread in the Forum Content Discussion sub forum.
I'm not sure how much simpler it could be. I'd have thought it was common sense that discussing a potential transfer was better done in a thread specifically about transfers rather than a banter thread which is 99% made up of nonsense and random/funny news.

You know where to post in future now anyway.
Wow, that is journalism these days, for a mainstream paper no less. Genuinely embarrassing. 99% of what Neville said in commentary or punditry won't appear transcribed online or in video clips. So their proof that he never said this was, they searched on google for 30 mins and didn't find it. I can understand his excessive goal celebration and Henry's hand on Caraghers knee being put online, but a random analysis that wasn't funny at the time wouldn't automatically be uploaded. It's only funny in hindsight.

People find quotes and.... often put it on a image of their choice of the person quoted. I can't remember the "this image must be accurate of the quote can't be real" clause for using the internet.

There was a time when journalists would actually e-mail/phone Neville/Sky and ask if he ever said it, where they could see footage of it, etc. Then again there was a time real journalists didn't write stories about memes, and we're long past those good old days.
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