Yep, that £6000 went a long way!
I firmly believe that it is the responsibilty of all clubs to look out for their peers when they're in trouble. How many kids want to grow up to be footballers? They can't all play for Man Utd you know so it's handy that we have probably the largest number of professional and semi-professional clubs where those with the talent can go to and be able to earn a little bit of money for their trouble.
If players wages were taxed by 0.1% and that money put into a central fund then Hyde, who were keen to avoid the admin route and actually pay their debt would be able to call on some readily available assistance to help prevent being wound up.
So basically we should pretty much have a country of only footballers, with those who play well subsidising those who don't "make it".
Genius, clubs are BUSINESS'S , as are cinema's and film studio's and lots of other forms of entertainment. We don't pay bad actors money and crap film studio's to keep them going when they can't keep themselves going, so why should we do the same for the lower leagues.
Yes its tough to make money in the lower leagues, if it wasn't as said, there would be infinite leagues, which is unfeasable and frankly, stupid. 200million kids worldwide want to be professional footballers, only maybe 20k-30k of all of them will make it at any level of football anywhere in the world, whats so wrong with that.
I can't stand the moping about how we can't allow clubs to go under, because of their history or the fact other clubs make money. Loads of business's go under all the time, plenty with long historys and all with competitors making more money, this is life, welcome to it.
EDIT:- there are actually one or two situations I can think of, and probably others where funding a club and raising money would be well worthwhile, but being a completely unfeasable business simply is not one of them.
If, I dunno Brentford, who have very little cash but are doing ok, had say, a tragedy, bus crash maybe and literally the team was wiped out, a bunch of clubs putting some money in so they can rebuild/survive till they are back on their feet would be a very nice gesture, loaning players for free and what not. But if through years of mismanagement Brentford simply went bust and became a simply unviable club to continue on, then I can't see any reason for other clubs to offer handouts.
THe thing is, this team got 6k, and it didn't help, how much would, 100k? where does it stop, if its run the same way would they not just go bust anyway but in 4 years instead of now, at the cost of wasting someone elses money for longer?
What would they do with this money, 100k injected so they get better players, on better wages, and run out of cash faster. Its naive to think a simple cash injection would simply stop them going under, it would simply stop them going under NOW.