Most of the fans which the big clubs generate the revenue from, I doubt care enough about football to go out in the freezing weather to pitches with no facilities or cover to watch football being played in the mud at a poor standard - if they didn't have the convenience of being able to watch and support whatever team by access through TV and global shirt sales etc, they'd probably watch some other sport that is equally accessible.
Even so, football does seem to have a somewhat over-inflated sense of self-importance about it, I imagine driven by the media coverage etc - i.e. the World Cup final was watched by a (pretty impressive) 15 million odd people in the UK. Impressive viewing figures you might think, but then that's 45 million people who didn't bother watching it...
Even so, football does seem to have a somewhat over-inflated sense of self-importance about it, I imagine driven by the media coverage etc - i.e. the World Cup final was watched by a (pretty impressive) 15 million odd people in the UK. Impressive viewing figures you might think, but then that's 45 million people who didn't bother watching it...