For the gym rats

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erm.... :confused: What do you mean this?!

Dunno. When I didn't I got the weird pain.

It was kinda abs/middle body, so I did some exercises for them prior to squats and didn't get the pain again.

Any ideas what it could be though? Felt kinda like a pinching pain in the skin.

Are my squats respectable for the first few weeks, also?
I've been weight training for the past few months and I've got to say i'm extremely pleased with my achievement so far, I've lost a grand total of 38lb give or take. I'm looking to lose a bit more body fat so I can start bulking up.

I never did free weights in the past, I mainly used to hit circuits whilst boxing and do a lot of running but free weights has immensly helped along with a completely revamped diet :)

How often do you guys change your workout?
What are some good compound exercise to add to my Monday workout to build up the muscle?

Going to start changing my diet soon to add more calories, only just hitting 2,500 per day at the moment really and want to build some muscle up.
what do you train mondays? Muscle is about patience, go looking for miracles and youll end up fat.


Treadmill - 1.5 Mile Best Effort

3x10 120KG Leg Press
3x10 55KG Leg Extension
3x10 55KG Chest Press
3x10 65KG Lat Pulls
3x10 40KG Shoulder Press
3x10 35KG Cable Rope Push Downs (& straight after each set) 3x10 20KG Cable Rope Push Downs
3x10 55KG Outer Thighs
3x10 55KG Inner Thigh


Treadmill - 1.5 Mile Best Effort

3x10 7.5KG Bicep Curl
3x10 10KG Shoulder Press
3x10 5KG Lateral Raise

(Only started using free weights this month, Wed used to be the same as Monday)


2x 40 Pressups
2x 40 Twist Stomach Crunch
2x 40 Tricep Dip
2x 40 Walking Lunge
2x 40 Stomach Crunch
2x 40 One Legged Squat
2x 40 Dorsal Raise

Been doing that for a year now ...
a year? bro you change programs at the very least on a 24 week basis i prefer 12.

Things wrong with what you do (for muscle gain).....

Too much cardio

Too much volume

Terrible exercise selection

Start from scratch imo

I don't want to bodybuild fully, I just want some muscle but be able to run a few miles aswell you know. Going back into the Army so just building muscle won't help that much, although a fair amount would help.

What program would you recommend? My aims are to get overall stronger than I am now, and be able to run a mile and half in under 8 minutes, and also be able to do long distance if I have to.
What program would you recommend?

Try my routine. I showed it to the owner of my gym and he said it was spot on. You won't find it on some bodybuilding site, its something I have designed and tailored to myself using certain principles; like the biggest compound movement first and leaving sufficient rest between exercises which hit certain muscle groups.
Hello fellas,

I'm going to the local David Lloyd tomorrow with a mate on a view to sign up. My mate is a bit of a regular gym goer. He's has some good gains over the past year and promises to destroy me with his routine, I can't wait...

What I'm interested in is a full body workout routine, can sometime take 5 mins to draw one up for me? I think my body would respond better to a full body workout rather than a 3 day split. I used to go to a gym about 18 months ago but other priorities took over and now it's time to get back in to it.

I'm looking at big compound exercises, covering all the major muscle groups, then maybe some isolation exercises to target other areas which aren't being directly hit. The only exercise I have concern about are deadlifts, however I'm hoping my mate can go through them with me.

The idea behind this routine would be to keep it basic and simple. My long term aim is to put on lean muscle for summer 2010 (don't we all), however I realise I may have to have a bit of excess flab for the next x months until I get my diet right.
I don't want to bodybuild fully, I just want some muscle but be able to run a few miles aswell you know. Going back into the Army so just building muscle won't help that much, although a fair amount would help.

What program would you recommend? My aims are to get overall stronger than I am now, and be able to run a mile and half in under 8 minutes, and also be able to do long distance if I have to.

Unless you are joining the arm in 5 or more years time, you wont build THAT much muscle tbh, also READ THE BLOODY STICKY as I have mentioned a few times. That routine will be perfect to start with.
Hello fellas,

I'm going to the local David Lloyd tomorrow with a mate on a view to sign up. My mate is a bit of a regular gym goer. He's has some good gains over the past year and promises to destroy me with his routine, I can't wait...

Building muscle: train to stimulate, not annihilate. There is no need to walk out of the gym each session like you have done 12 rounds with Tyson.

Want a routine? take your pic from these:
Building muscle: train to stimulate, not annihilate. There is no need to walk out of the gym each session like you have done 12 rounds with Tyson.

Want a routine? take your pic from these:

Yeah don't worry, I was exagerating a bit. I think the next morning I will be suffering though.

Thanks for the link, I'll take a look on my lunch.

**sneaks off back to work**
Unless you are joining the arm in 5 or more years time, you wont build THAT much muscle tbh, also READ THE BLOODY STICKY as I have mentioned a few times. That routine will be perfect to start with.

he's gotta be careful tho m8, i mean if he starts deadlifting then within a matter of weeks he will be far too lumbering and bulky to run places. He will probably get out of breath just going up stairs i would think, never mind getting through doorways!
Building muscle: train to stimulate, not annihilate. There is no need to walk out of the gym each session like you have done 12 rounds with Tyson.

Want a routine? take your pic from these:

Just skim read through that link and there are far too many programmes to follow and understand. However, I found this one as it said 'Compound' in the description, any thoughts?

The reason why I picked it is because it has printable workout logs which will help me and track my progress. It also lasts for 16 weeks, with 3 phases to keep me motivated. It also gives me the option to repeat the workout, but with dumbells to shock the stabaliser muscles.

Again, deadlifts are my main concern - especially stiff legged deadlifts... surely that is crying out for some serious back pain? I've always thought you are supposed to lift using your legs, whether it's a box in a warehouse or picking a weight off the floor, push through your legs, not use your back!
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