Gareth.e - Dont do squats other than to parallel or below, end of story, no debate, its plain wrong. You will go higher and higher with more and more weight and be just another moron with crap form.
Go a2g and lift what you can
Shoulders play a large part in benching, good front delts and a good connection between the pecs and delts is a must. Heavy flyes will help here
Cheers for the reply
I 100% realise what your saying it was a one off after all.. No way do I want to become one of those guys that do 150kg+ but can't go more than 1/4 down.. Just thought I would mix it up for once (and I was feeling rough), going back to 90kg next week don't worry
Do you bench the way powerlifters do? Or body builders? I'm really considering giving the powerlifters way (traps back n tris) a go at and then mixing them up..