- Get a sub 8min 2k row time
- Loose the bit of fat around my sides and belly
- Generally get fit and improve on my running
Heaven Can Wait said:Really nice workout you got there, only thing i can comment on would be the bicep/triceps in the same session, most go for a pulling session and a pushing session, so the triceps would be with the bench, just to finish off with.
same with the uplift rows, would kill me if i did those as well as benching, seeing as its a back exercise
rayer said:I find that doing Bi/Tris on Friday i can focus on them more and they have until the following Weds until they are worked in any form again. (5 days later).
By working chins on Fri, i count that also as a bicep movement in a way, so not a lot is needed to burn them out.
I work chest first, so when i have finished, my shoulders are totally warmed up to reduce injury. The upright row complements the workout well by doing the trap/shoulder and chest tie-in.
I've never understood how people can think upright rows are a back exercise?Heaven Can Wait said:Really nice workout you got there, only thing i can comment on would be the bicep/triceps in the same session, most go for a pulling session and a pushing session, so the triceps would be with the bench, just to finish off with.
same with the uplift rows, would kill me if i did those as well as benching, seeing as its a back exercise
Morba said:Reached a personal milestone today, flat benched 40s unassisted (as in spotter) 3x6 (last set got to 5 :/ )
Morba said:Reached a personal milestone today, flat benched 40s unassisted (as in spotter) 3x6 (last set got to 5 :/ ).
rayer said:What does 40s mean, you mean 2x 20s on each side so 100k in total ? (I presume you mean benchpress with bar)
If so, i remember when I reached that mark, felt good, but the gym then got some 50Kg dumbells and that was my next challenge for incline press
Fusion said:Nice one, that's some decent weight.
rayer said:Where about in Brizzle do you train ?
Chong Warrior said:I've never understood how people can think upright rows are a back exercise?
I always do them, my favourite for building the side delts up
ethos said:Bit more info
Shoulder Saver #16: Ditching the Barbell Upright Rows
This is as internally rotated as the humerus will get, and you're elevating the humerus right into the impingement zone on every rep.
$loth said:What's this mean in laymans terms?
Morba said:upright rows are for shoulders.