For the gym rats

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Wide Grip Chins

One Arm BOR



Concentration Curls

Lateral raises

My back felt quite weak today didnt want to push it as would have definately injured myself. So I`m dissapointed I couldn't do more on the deadlift side of things.
Benched again today

85kg x 6
90kg x 6
90kg x 6
100kg x 4

No spot today and the gym itself was dead (i was the only one in there), so was pretty chuffed with that. Could have done more I think but would prefer a spot. The four reps was good, controlled and racked back OK. Next week, 2 sets at 100 if I can get a spot.

I'm going to Poland just after Christmas for two weeks and have found a gym to train in which should be cool, I'll post some pictures in the thread when I'm back :cool:
Taking ages to get my whey powder.. think it must be the christmas post.

It's delaying me packing on muscle like anyone's business and getting huge!


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Good to hear you're enjoying the Rugby FF, great sport, smashing into other guys and getting covered in mud.

It always surprises me when the bigger guys can also sprint and do running for long durations.

I didn't go to the gym this weekend, and now I feel guility and bad about myself. I will definately go tonight as I know over Christmas I'll be eating a fair bit of delicious yet unhealthy trash.
Yeah at 215lbs I'm a lot bulkier than I used to be when I played rugby and used to play on the wing, but now I'm finding my place at centre and really enjoying it and to my suprise lasted all 80 mins of constant sprinting up and down the pitch, taking on some big tackle and chasing the ball as well as powering through/past other players. Fitness levels are still high which is nice to see really.

Again another sporadic session - until work calms down it's just not going to be any different unfortunately.





Flat BB Bench (no spotter available):


Incline DB Bench:


Bodyweight Chins:

5 sets x 8 reps.

And that's it. Up at 5 and didn't finish work till 7 - so completely dead and I can't go tomorrow so it's going to be that until Saturday morning unfortunately. On Sunday I did some exercises round the house, chins, pressups, shoulder press, some arm exercises and a few core exercises but nothing really strenuous. I'll have to do the same over the next couple of days just some home exercises. Come the 2nd week in Jan my routine will be back in check I hope!
How come you do so many sets, FF? Three sets and I'm wrecked :D Surely you could go abit higher weight and do less for more size?
Some weird questions whats it like to become big in the upper body, thinking of going big on my upper body I have always been stocky and my legs are pretty much huge, hammered road cycling for 8 years, just wondering what I could lift and does being to big upper body become and hindrance in work life.

I am ready for the slog, been there before would rather get myself ready for road biking, going to hammer it and try and turn it beyond a hobby, any pointers for cycling exercises.
in other news....ff 100kg bench gay. I did incline bench 110 for 5 tonight no spot.

Pick up your game rugby boy ;)

LOL! Incline I've always struggled with owing to my previous dislocated shoulder, however flat I can still kick your arse... for the moment! lol!

As for the number of sets, I love volume, to me volume is an important part of training and I feel I get real benefit from it. I do mix it up with high intensity circuits for a week every now and again to break it up a bit, however I'm pretty in tune with what my body wants and needs. In my eyes 3 sets just isn't enough to get any sort of gain. Sure for strength training I do low reps but still high sets. It all varies.
Some weird questions whats it like to become big in the upper body, thinking of going big on my upper body I have always been stocky and my legs are pretty much huge, hammered road cycling for 8 years, just wondering what I could lift and does being to big upper body become and hindrance in work life.

You would need to be huge for it to be a hinderance.

I mean really massive.
You would need to be huge for it to be a hinderance.

I mean really massive.

agreed. At around arnies size (cmon thats fricking big) id imagine you to be moderately athletic and quick due to being well proportioned and strong. The concept of being 'musclebound' is largely dismissed by bigger guys as an excuse skinny people use not to add any mass. The areas that i can see a real hinderence appearing is with building modern bodybuilder legs (ie over 34inches) or general poor health due to excessive bulking (ie being a fat git)

imo if your lean and big you'll have no issues unless you get massive legs. I think something else people dont realise is that you 'fill your own skin' that is to say that when you are small you imagine being huge as being how you are now but with big lumps of muscle sticking out all over the place. But once you get bigger you realise that you're inside the muscles and you have perfect control over them thus they dont seem like a hinderence in the slightest.

I would put any guy of arnie-level upper body in a general sports ability test against any untrained office worker type any day! Besides if you train naturally (no steroids) you will only get as big as your body can be whilst being functional. Natures mechanisms wouldnt allow for muscular interference.
Freefaller or ultra (as you two seem the most knowledgable about)

What do you consider the correct way to perform a BOR? i.e. do you lift from the floor (pendlay style), if standing what sort of angle do you bend at and do you use the thighs as a guide or make sure the bar hangs?

Weighed myself today and was happily surprised with 218lbs :) The trim bulk is working!
With that in mind had a good session today:
Incline Bench:
DB Press:
55kg (4 reps)
17KG :p (was being extra strict today)
Cable Cross:
Decline Bench
Then did some bicep work.

Obviously the above is just some highlights
Freefaller or ultra (as you two seem the most knowledgable about)

What do you consider the correct way to perform a BOR? i.e. do you lift from the floor (pendlay style), if standing what sort of angle do you bend at and do you use the thighs as a guide or make sure the bar hangs?


Sorry i'm not FF or UE, but my pref is Yates' Rows, Overhand grip (with straps), back fairly upright, bar on thighs and pulled to belly. This takes the pressure off my lower back, which gets more than enough work from squats, deadlifts, SLDLs, GMs during the rest of my routine.
Freefaller or ultra (as you two seem the most knowledgable about)

What do you consider the correct way to perform a BOR? i.e. do you lift from the floor (pendlay style), if standing what sort of angle do you bend at and do you use the thighs as a guide or make sure the bar hangs?


thats far too hard a question to answer.
what works for you, where it hits the spot you want, is the correct way to perform that specific row.
Like oddjob I like yates rows. I deadlift the bar up using overhand grip (I deadlift overhand grip up to 150kg anyway) and bend over to a solid form at about a yates row sort of angle though sometimes a little lower, feet shoulder width apart, and bring the bar up to my stomach.

For more strict non-yates BORs, and a lot lighter weight. I bend over with more of a bend in the knees, so that my torso is almost parallel with the ground and then do underhand grip to the belly. I will mix it up with overhand grip towards the chest which is more upper back and rear delts.

There are many variations, with standing angle, pull towards to the stomach or chest, overhand or underhand grip and weights/reps used.

Vary it, try a bit of everything, you see that as you pull towards your belly with underhand grip your lats will come more into play. As you pull towards your chest and the more you're bent over the more upper back will be used.
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