Well it was a figure of speech... but I can assure you that the fruits and veg that I eat in Cyprus (which are grown with no pesticides and just grow and keep growing and sprouting everywhere, as the ground is so rich of nutrients and so fertile you don't have to be an expert to grow things there!) tastes 100% better than any of the fruits and veg I eat here. Often fruit and veg are picked too early so that they can be transported for days to the supermarkets etc... If I had access to such equipment I'd love to run analysis on the stuff in cyprus vs the stuff that is grown here.
Fact is the more they can grow in one period the more they can sell, so if they can promote their stock to grow quicker then they can produce more per year and ergo increase their profits. I'm sure they're not bad for you, but I don't think they provide as many nutrients as a slow growing sun blossomed bit of fruit/veg. It's down to supply and demand, and if they can turn around their stock in a faster time then they will regardless of flavour/nutriontional content.
I hold a lot of the food we buy now days with suspicion and contempt.