This one without the chin up bar
Nice one oddjob I'm still only able to manage 2 on a good day, am sticking with assisted for the mean time. Hopefully by summer I'll be pulling my own body weight (currently 114kg)
We should get some nice mass/shape to the bicep if we stick to these for a few months.I tried supersetting chin's yesterday TANK as well, hard work but good fun
I did:
Chins x 8, Cable bicep curl x 10
Chins x 6, Cable bicep curl x 10
Chins x 6, Cable bicep curl x 10
Minimal rest time, hard work but like you said a very good pump.
Nice machine mate...would certainly have one of these if I had space.
I bought the rack a couple of months back for at home...
its meant to have a 100Kg selective lat attachement, there is 20 plates (5kg each I think) but it feels very heavy even though the pully system is good and fairly frictionless. Lat pulls on it even at no 14 (70Kg) it quite intensive for me...even though I usually good for 90Kg+ reps on other machines. It also has the bars to add more weight plates...allthough dont think Ill ever get there. Nice equipment though!
My back chinning session yesterday....
Close Grip chins....
4 x 8 reps with added 18Kg...slow
3 x Body Weight......until max reps
I think I managed 14 reps, then 12 then 11. Arms and lats were on fire! Fine today though.
Tomorrow they will probably hurt more
I went to the gym yesterday to do legs/triceps after not doing any leg weights for a week or two and after those squats 4x10 my outer thighs are killing me , wasn't even at a high weight either (40-50kg), does feel like quite a good exercise though currently I feel pain everytime I sit down or stand up.
Just thought I would share this picture. It's my lunches for the week - although the protein powder and oats will last longer.
I did Squats followed by lunges on Thursday , yesterday walking up/down stairs didn't feel too great and can still feel it today.
No pain no gain