For the gym rats

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stop ganging up you two! its a good drink-and-forget protein blend. The MP blended whey's are barely cheaper. Think it really depends on how much you wanna spend and your knowledge of the lesser nutritional constituents.

Drink and forget? Whilst me and Chong have to think long and hard about our shakes afterwards...

Just kidding mate. I think protein supplements are overhyped big style, and personally I don't want to spend lots of money on something that offers no benefits over the cheaper product. I'm not sure there is a need for a blend.

There's nothing WRONG with that protein, but personally I like to have a clean base to add things too if I choose to do so. (Which normally I don't).

Give me £35 delivered for 10lbs of basic unflavoured whey anyday over the more expensive products.

Drink and forget? Whilst me and Chong have to think long and hard about our shakes afterwards...

Just kidding mate. I think protein supplements are overhyped big style, and personally I don't want to spend lots of money on something that offers no benefits over the cheaper product. I'm not sure there is a need for a blend.

There's nothing WRONG with that protein, but personally I like to have a clean base to add things too if I choose to do so. (Which normally I don't).

Give me £35 delivered for 10lbs of basic unflavoured whey anyday over the more expensive products.

personally i pretty much agree but then im the hard training carefully nutritioned type. If i was less scrupulous a good, tasty blended whey that was easy on the gut would be ideal, and of those ON100% is a top choice
personally i pretty much agree but then im the hard training carefully nutritioned type. If i was less scrupulous a good, tasty blended whey that was easy on the gut would be ideal, and of those ON100% is a top choice

I am also a hard training "carefully nutrioned type" too... just maybe with a bit more experience (or so it seems) with the supplement craze.

Easy on the gut? Can't think of anything easier than a simply whey as opposed to one with different "blends" / sugars... etc in.

Oh and it contains Acesulfame Potassium;

Acesulfame K apparently produced lung tumors, breast tumors, rare types of tumors of other organs (such as the thymus gland), several forms of leukemia and chronic respiratory disease in several rodent studies, even when less than maximum doses were given. According to the Center for Science in the Public Interest, it was petitioned on August 29, l988 for a stay of approval by the FDA because of "significant doubt" about its safety.

YEY!!! :D

Consider DiabetiSweet/Sunett/Sweet One (Acesulfame potassium): Like sucralose, there hasn’t been a lot of testing done on Ace-K, or acesulfame potassium. It does contain the carcinogen methylene chloride. Long-term consumption of this carcinogen causes liver and kidney problems, nausea, depression and headaches. The FDA considers Ace-K safe for now.
Oh and it contains Acesulfame Potassium;

Acesulfame K apparently produced lung tumors, breast tumors, rare types of tumors of other organs (such as the thymus gland), several forms of leukemia and chronic respiratory disease in several rodent studies, even when less than maximum doses were given. According to the Center for Science in the Public Interest, it was petitioned on August 29, l988 for a stay of approval by the FDA because of "significant doubt" about its safety.

YEY!!! :D

everything a growing lad needs :D yeah im sure by next year ill be on animal feed BCAA's or something.

You do understand that im with you on the protein, meaning im the hard training carefully nutritioned type like you so i buy all my supplies in bulk plain as you like from MP. I was only saying that for other more casual types, heck its worth a bit of leukemia
carefully nutritioned type eh?


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liquid sesamin.

Carefully nutritioned and supplement user = different things. I use nutrition to maximise gains but im not all bothered about health and well being id happily knock 10 years off my life for a good physique now

Besides you may note that most of those supps are geared around weight loss for my cut. When bulking i need no such magic beans. Is anyone here denying the weight loss effects of sesamin, yohimbine and caffene?
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liquid sesamin.

When bulking i need no such magic beans. Is anyone here denying the weight loss effects of sesamin, yohimbine and caffene?
Well actually it's sesame seed oil :p.

Nope, not denying they work, just wondering why you're buying commercial stuff from Nutraplanet when you can build your own YCA stack? (I've always found ephedrine to work better, if you're feeling hardcore you should look into an ECY stack :D).
Besides you may note that most of those supps are geared around weight loss for my cut. When bulking i need no such magic beans. Is anyone here denying the weight loss effects of sesamin, yohimbine and caffene?

I find cardio + good diet (maybe some carb cycling) will drop fat fine until a pretty low level. After than and yes some supps might be needed.

I dropped 26lbs in 8 weeks from this method, lost no size apart from my waist and my strength went up for some exercises.

Nothing wrong with taking them throughout the cutting cycle but personally I'd rather start with the basics and see what works with me.

I don't agree with cutting and adding about 10 different variables into the mix, how will you know what's working? I've seen it happen lots of times in the gym, some guy changes his diet completely, adds cardio and about 6 different supplements (££££) and is confused at the results.

Don't mean to pick on you either... :D
I find cardio + good diet (maybe some carb cycling) will drop fat fine until a pretty low level. After than and yes some supps might be needed.

I dropped 26lbs in 8 weeks from this method, lost no size apart from my waist and my strength went up for some exercises.

Nothing wrong with taking them throughout the cutting cycle but personally I'd rather start with the basics and see what works with me.

I don't agree with cutting and adding about 10 different variables into the mix, how will you know what's working? I've seen it happen lots of times in the gym, some guy changes his diet completely, adds cardio and about 6 different supplements (££££) and is confused at the results.

Don't mean to pick on you either... :D

I've used the basics, i started out on my first cut with a keytosis diet with caffeine and morning cardio thrown in. Lost a lot of BF but my lifts suffered. Then on my next cut i did a stack from ALRi called the TRi lean system. Which worked very well for me, the stimulant supplementation plus the introduction of anecdotal test boosters like Trib and ZMA in the complexes increased my lifts and improved my rate of fat loss.

This time i wanted to try out yohimbine and i might try to source some ephedrine too. For those of you questioning my last remark, firstly im far healthier than any normal guy on the street, in fact the last time i had blood work done around chrimbo i was told i had 'perfect' levels of everything tested, my BP is perfect my cholesterol is perfect, liver/kidney function all top notch.

When half of the uk is either intentionally malnourished, poorly nourished or over-nourished and obese, along with being binge drinkers who do little exercise, i hardly see my supplementation ideals as a threat to my longevity. However given the choice between 20inch biceps and 50in chest now, and ten extra years holding my teeth in at sunday dinner and peeing through a catheter.... well it doesnt take a scientist. Besides the way Bodybuilders control nutrition and exercise, we are likely to outlive a lot of our generation anyway and not only that we'll be in better condition far longer too.
I wouldn't call using a keytosis diet nor the ALRi stack "the basics" personally, but each to their own.

Glad to see your blood work came back decent, won't last long after the cycles you'll need to get 20 inch arms and 50inch chest (with decent bodyfat)!! :D

I agree with you about this generation, it's scary what people eat day to day :(

No veg / fruit, just white bread... spam... fry ups- it's crazy. Oh and not to forget binge drinking to the max.
liquid sesamin.

Carefully nutritioned and supplement user = different things. I use nutrition to maximise gains but im not all bothered about health and well being id happily knock 10 years off my life for a good physique now

don't mess about then hit the decca and dinabol stack then, you will see MASSIVE gains , but might pay the price later in life.

My mate got SO big doing roids but hey each to there own.
isn't dianabol and nand more or less classed as messing about though? surely a test cycle or hgh is a far better option?

exactly, as i understand it, diananabol and nand are 'rugby club' roids. No injections thus milder effects and results and less intimidating, still get you some nice gynecomastia if your not quick on the nolva though.

I cant do roids cos i live out in the sticks and would never come across a supplier in a million years. Not something i flat out wouldnt do though, but its only really worth it once your at a natural 'big' level first.
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