For those who have STALKER, how does it run?

Ulfhedjinn said:
Well it hasn't, I can't put it simpler than that.

See the THQ FAQ for the game for more information.
Why when i couldnt care less if it is or isnt, the game looks like it has as the graphics are similiar to FEAR when i wack the AA right up.
The thread is
For those who have STALKER, how does it run, just curious as to how well it runs... settings? res? and what you are running the game on? GPU, CPU n RAM wise.
Well ive answered that with my system specs, the quality im running it at and the performance im getting. It loooooks like AA is working 95% of the time (although as you have pointed out, it isnt), thats a descriptive observation and on my system it is correct.
pegasus1 said:
Why when i couldnt care less if it is or isnt
You seemed to care a lot when I questioned your claim of using 8xQ antialiasing in the drivers with this game. Obviously you don't care now because you've gotten the point and your pride is in the way.
Ulfhedjinn said:
You seemed to care a lot when I questioned your claim of using 8xQ antialiasing in the drivers with this game. Obviously you don't care now because you've gotten the point and your pride is in the way.
Its not a claim, i set 8Q in the control panel and the game looks like its using it, i used FEAR as a comparason.
I accept your statement that the game doesnt use AA, but the guy initially asked how it looked and i said it looked like AA was working.
Pride isnt in the way as we are talking about a computer game and in my eyes its not important enough to lose sleep over.
People who argue over computer games should only work in comic books shops or behind the counter at the Warhammer shop.
Im sure you are sitting with baited breath to reply but after that can we please put this episode to bed and give the guy what he has asked for.
Ulfhedjinn said:
That's a claim. :o
Claim - to assert or maintain as a fact
Well looks like you are correct again, take an extra house point, i claimed to have set 8Q in th control panel and claimed that the game looks like it uses it.
I did and it does.
Have you looked at the game with the settings ive stated?
Ive run some fraps bench's and taken a few screen shots but as i said, posting them soon isnt going to happen, during a massive fire fight and in rain i saw a dip to 35fps but it still mostly sat at 65.
The AI ranks far below FEAR as does the physics (as far as object interaction and ragdoll are concerned).
after messing around with the settings it seems that when i enable full dynamic lighting i get a major performance drop which makes it totally unplayable, although im now playing it at high but just with static lighting and it seems to be fine :D
Can run mine on maximum but vista seems to not like me to use full dynamic lighting which angers me because my friend on a lower spec with xp can use dynamic lighting so i get mocked :(
It's strange how STALKER runs slower indoors then out. For instance, outdoors I find it perfectly playable with full HDR. But when I got to x16 lab the fps dropped to below 20. So I have decided to play with static lighting (100+ fps in same location) until new drivers are released.
m@rty said:
after messing around with the settings it seems that when i enable full dynamic lighting i get a major performance drop which makes it totally unplayable, although im now playing it at high but just with static lighting and it seems to be fine :D

That's really bad, I'd be very angry if that happened to me especially after dishing out £25 for it. Quite frankly the game looks awful without full dynamic lighting, the atmosphere and subtle ambience is completely lost. I'd rather play the game at 30fps with full dynamic lighting than at 100fps with static lighting.

MagicThighs said:
It's strange how STALKER runs slower indoors then out. For instance, outdoors I find it perfectly playable with full HDR. But when I got to x16 lab the fps dropped to below 20. So I have decided to play with static lighting (100+ fps in same location) until new drivers are released.

I observe the same thing, about 10fps less when indoors. That said I think it is for good reason since the textures and level of shading/bump mapping is incredible especially the underground sections (plus everything has proper dynamic shadows).
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ive still to try medium with dynamic lighting on maybe it would be ok then but tbh im not really that bothered the graphics seem pretty good to me at high and they didnt look much different at medium... as long as i dont have any fps lag im fine.
pegasus1 said:
Have you looked at the game with the settings ive stated?
Yeah I did, doesn't work. I wish it did.

pegasus1 said:
The AI ranks far below FEAR as does the physics (as far as object interaction and ragdoll are concerned).
I agree, F.E.A.R. is more complex IMHO.

It's like... "WTF have GSC been up to for the last five years??"

That's how I see it anyway, :(
Can't believe people are comparing this to FEAR. The indoor sections of Stalker look better, are tens time more varied and the fact you can step outside and explore a huge and sprawling environment is enough to make any comparisions obsolete. In any case the two games are completely different and present very different environments; a more valid comparision would probably be with HL2.

The more I play this game the better it gets and yeah sure, its not perfect but I can totally see why it took them so long to make, maybe a little to long but thats forgivable.
Can't recall very special physics or A.I. in FEAR. It had some decent ragdoll physics and the some nice eye candy when shooting things but apart from that nothing special.

HL2, Oblivion, GRAW, R6: Vegas have better physics in my opinion.
Ulfhedjinn said:
Not sure about everyone else but I was only comparing the physics and A.I. to F.E.A.R.

They're a lot more complex in F.E.A.R. in my opinion.
Totaly agree.
I used FEAR as an example because FEAR has been used by many magazines and hardware sites (ie Toms) as a benchmark game. Many people can identify when using FEAR as a direct comparison. The AI+Physics of FEAR are far superior (IMO) to STALKER, STALKER is far less linier than FEAR (again imo).
I wasnt neccesarily comparing gameplay, plot etc.
pegasus1 said:
Totaly agree.
I used FEAR as an example because FEAR has been used by many magazines and hardware sites (ie Toms) as a benchmark game. Many people can identify when using FEAR as a direct comparison. The AI+Physics of FEAR are far superior (IMO) to STALKER, STALKER is far less linier than FEAR (again imo).
I wasnt neccesarily comparing gameplay, plot etc.
Aye definitely.
Stalker runs nicely on my system (object dynamic lighting) which is-

A64 4000+
X1800 XT 256 mb
2 GB DDR400
XP Pro

However, my brothers PC and my Dads PC both really struggle to run it with object or full dynamic lighting on. Those PCs are-

P4 2.8
7600 GT 256 mb
1.5 GB DDR400
XP Pro

P4 3.2
X800 XT 256 mb
2 GB DDR400
XP Pro

On both those systems it goes very stuttery in certain zones, like X16, Pripyat etc. Nearly unplayable IMO.
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