For those who have STALKER, how does it run?

Just installed 2Gb RAM instead of the poxy 512 which I had before and the system in my sig at stock runs it at 1920 x 1200 at a reasonable frame rate with object dynamic lighting and pretty much medium everything else. Looks fab to me, but I might mess about with lower resolutions and AF/AA to see what looks best. I might just overclock my computer again and whack it to full (and watch it die).

The 2Gb RAM made all the difference, I can't believe how much better it is now!
Runs rather smoothly on my rig,

AMD X2 @ 2.6
8800 GTS @ 570/1750 FORCEWARE 101.02
opty 146 and x1900 running ok in fully dynamic lighting. have turned down lighting distance, shadow quality, AA and AF to min though. min fps about 30 usually anything up to 60 or 70 max. 1280x1024 res.
Ok, I got it running ok now, outside my avaerage FPS is 24-50.

The weird thing is, at first, in the starting bit, I get like super lag, 2fps, ram is at 99%, I lowered the settings to high, and it started going ok, moved everything back up, then put maximum back on, and its 24-50 average, and ram is only at 90%, dunno why this happenes :s.

Currently running it @ 1440x900, dynamic lighting and everything up at max.
Don't know if any of you guys will be able to help? I have just bought and installed STALKER and the crosshair seems to be there with certain weapons but not with others. If I have a knife I have a crosshair, If I have a gun I don't. I tried dissabling crossfire and running with just the 3870 then I tried dropping back from 8.9 back to the 8.8 driver set but still the crosshair comes and goes.

Any ideas on this?
I really enjoyed my play through stalker, especially grabbing all the artifacts and pimping up my character. My main issue is with its general bugginess, some bugs can be game breaking. I'm a sucker for any post apocalypse type game though and certanly looking forward to what fallout 3 has to offer.
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