Former Russian double agent seriously ill in Salisbury.

21 Oct 2011
Could this be another Litvinenko style assassination attempt by the Russians on UK soil?

It may just be precautionary, but it does make you wonder if they know something.

The cold war is still very active, you can still tune into the spy network numbers stations

Creepy and cool at the same time

Wonder if that message had any instructions related to this double agent
Could this be another Litvinenko style assassination attempt by the Russians on UK soil?

It may just be precautionary, but it does make you wonder if they know something.


In this country you see Russian spies and propaganda at any time someone argues against the government propaganda.
He is Russian, so you never know if is not mafia hit for X or Y reason. And been an ex Russian spy working for Britain doesn't automatically make him "the good guy".
There could be many who would want to kill him, for the skeletons on his closet. And many who would want to settle scores, even if that is FSB today.

Those people aren't saints, and deserve what they get regardless..... There is always a reason.
Those people aren't saints, and deserve what they get regardless..... There is always a reason.

LOL WTF what is wrong with you?

You don't know why he was attacked, what he provided for the UK etc.. but you're going to make the statement that he deserved what he got/whomever attacked him had a sound reason??? Rather dubious logic there...
I got to love the way Russia and Israel just get on with it and don't ponce about with all the forgive and forget nonsense.

Espionage is a dangerous game still.
Don't be silly, the Sainsburys shelves are empty due to Beast Of The East. ;)

Was in one the other day, I knew my local small shops were stuffed for milk and bread but it surprised me to see the same in a full supermarket too.

Also potatoes, sausages and chicken were wiped out.

The last ones standing were the french sweet bread like brioche and the imitation nut/oat milks.
agree with Panos, he got what was coming to him. Putin warned those double agents years ago that they would choke on their 30 silver coins, and so they are. Good for Putin and the KGB.
Putin has a long memory, and a surprisingly long reach.

Those people aren't saints, and deserve what they get regardless..... There is always a reason.

You sound like a Laïkós Sýndesmos – Chrysí Avgí voter.
agree with Panos, he got what was coming to him. Putin warned those double agents years ago that they would choke on their 30 silver coins, and so they are. Good for Putin and the KGB.

Yes, a guy who risked his life to help us, oh and his dead wife, dead son, dead brother and now also ill daughter, oh and those two people who are also now being treated who tried to help them
And the potential risk to lots of other people minding their own business around Salisbury on sunday

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