Forza Horizon 5 - Mexico

Was doing an arcadey thing this evening and just got up to 50k x 5 multiplier for drifting about and the game just stopped and kicked to desktop.

Yeh, I'm still having the occasional crash. Looking on google it seems to be a common problem.

I still need a new 12700K PC though!
Really enjoying it. Been so long since I last played FH4 so keeping me interested so far. It really does splurg the cars and credits on you from the wheelspins but don't mind it at the moment. Only had one crash from my first session a few days back and today I had some texture bugs in an area but cleared once moving on. Online still seams a little off as couldn't easily stay in a convoy with a friend tonight, managed 2 races before we couldn't reconnect with each other.

Graphics looking good, and no noticeable frame issues running a mix of ultra and extreme at 1440p on an 3060ti.
Just tried the seasonals, unless you have the right car they're tough to crack and also inconsistent. Did the hot hatch one easily with a stock A45, managed second in the classic muscle with a stock Stingray. Tried the third one briefly and couldn't even get close.

Its all in the car tune tbh, I found both the hot hatch (Megane R26) and the classic muscle (Pontiac GTO) one pretty easy equally, finishing races several seconds ahead of the AI. Third one I tried a GT86 RWD build but it just didn't work at all. Need to revisit in something more suitable.
I've just been going through the offroad championship in a Subaru BRZ that seems to work quite well. Shared the tune on it if anyone wants to try it, code is 129 289 400
Its all in the car tune tbh, I found both the hot hatch (Megane R26) and the classic muscle (Pontiac GTO) one pretty easy equally, finishing races several seconds ahead of the AI. Third one I tried a GT86 RWD build but it just didn't work at all. Need to revisit in something more suitable.

I was hoping that now that they had made the cars more driveable the days of AWD and engine swap all the things were over. But it looks like at least for the seasonal stuff tuning is the only viable option. Looks like breaking out the trusty Amazon van for some multiplayer as well.
A couple of annoying bugs, but otherwise as enjoyable as FH4.

I seem to randomly lose UI elements like the speedometer and the on screen navigation line/waypoint, and there's an annoying lag when pulling up the menu to get to the map where it sort of holds for a few seconds before showing up. Oh, and the accessibility voice over on the main menu seems to always be on.

Most annoying of them is the mouse cursor never buggers off so I have to manually drop that to the bottom of the screen every time, and the menu doesn't seem to go to the loading screen without me having to Alt-Tab out and back in.
A couple of annoying bugs, but otherwise as enjoyable as FH4.

I seem to randomly lose UI elements like the speedometer and the on screen navigation line/waypoint, and there's an annoying lag when pulling up the menu to get to the map where it sort of holds for a few seconds before showing up. Oh, and the accessibility voice over on the main menu seems to always be on.

Most annoying of them is the mouse cursor never buggers off so I have to manually drop that to the bottom of the screen every time, and the menu doesn't seem to go to the loading screen without me having to Alt-Tab out and back in.

Yeh, I noticed the mouse cursor bug too.

I also have the 21:9 graphical corruption at the right leading edge bug too, crops up after a random amount if time, only a reboot of the game will cure it, and funnily enough it only shows when you're driving the car.

There's quite the list of bugs on the Reddit forza page, gonna take the devs a while to fix methinks.
I was hoping that now that they had made the cars more driveable the days of AWD and engine swap all the things were over. But it looks like at least for the seasonal stuff tuning is the only viable option. Looks like breaking out the trusty Amazon van for some multiplayer as well.

Non AWD are absolutely viable. I've just done the rally seasonal in a Cayman, with that and a reasonable A800 tune it was no more challenging than the other two events. None of the cars I have used for this weeks seasonals have had engine swaps or drivetrain swaps. In this case it was either the GT86 was just a poor match for that type of event, or my part selection / tune was bad. I suspect the latter as the Cayman is faster in a straight line but not quite as good in corners. I had the wrong balance with the GT86. I could probably go back and adjust it and it'll be fine.
Chipset drivers and BIOS updated, no more crashes yet but I've noticed a little stuttering in the showing off the cars on stage scenes.
Does anyone else have the issue where you can only sometimes see your convoy partners? Very annoying when you're trying to show them something.
Can anyone explain if (and how) a convoy of 2 or 3 people can join a 12 player, 6vs6 race or game?

Me and another friend tried the other night and everytime we did a team game, such as 'infected', it would just be me vs him.
The last driving game i properly played was Grand turismo 4 (bar Ride 4, which is horrible), but as i've signed up to Game Pass i thought i'd give it a go.
Really enjoying it, and have had zero problems thus far.
Graphics seem pretty good, not so sure about photo mode, but a few efforts..




The best i can do for now :)
Does anyone have a link to a simple text guide on how this game works in terms of progress. I'm super confused!




The Forza Horizon 5 Festival Playlist is an ever-changing list of challenges and missions that players can complete as they play the game. Players can complete races, events, PR Stunts, and online activities as Festival Playlist challenges, sometimes with specific requirements, to earn rewards such as cars, Wheelspins, cosmetic items, and Forzathon Points that can be redeemed at the Forzathon Shop.

The Festival Playlist has Series, with each Series lasting four weeks, and each week lasting about one week. Each week has its own unique challenges and rewards, giving players incentive to return week after week to complete the Festival Playlist and collect new cars and prizes. The Festival Playlist consistently adds new content to Forza Horizon 5, and is how Playground Games will seamlessly inject new ways to play into FH5 over time, including brand-new cars.

New cars, events, and much more can be added to Forza Horizon 5 through the Festival Playlist, and Series updates can even be themed and evolve Forza Horizon 5's world. Series 1, for example, welcomes players to Horizon Mexico, while Series 2 will apparently be Holidays themed and add new seasonal decorations to the FH5 world. EventLab creations from the community that gain popularity can also be surfaced through the Festival Playlist, adding even more variety to this constantly moving in-game feature.

Forza Horizon 5's Festival Playlist should provide years of support and content to the game, even after DLC expansions have been released and finished. Thanks to new creation features like EventLab, the Festival Playlist has practically endless content to pull from.


Outposts are basically fast travel locations that the player can use to get across the map quickly. Each Outpost must be found first in order for it to be used, at a initial price og 10,000Cr.

Each outpost has 3 special challenges, PR Stunts, that can be completed to lower the cost of using that outpost. By doing one challenge, you will get 25% discount. By doing two challenges, you will get 50%. Doing the three challenges, you get 100% discount for that post.

The first challenge is always a speed trap. The player will need to reach a specific speed and pass through a speedtrap. A car is given to the player, in which to complete this task. The second will involve taking a picture with specific objects in the backround, such as a dam, like in the picture above. The final stunt will involve accumulating points. A car will be given to the player, and they will need to get all the points within a certain distance and time.

Expeditions (Not copying all the text as it will spoil the rewards)

Forza Horizon 5 consists of six expeditions in total with each using the same rules for its completion and that is to drive to a certain location on the map and perform and complete different types of objectives.
The last driving game i properly played was Grand turismo 4 (bar Ride 4, which is horrible), but as i've signed up to Game Pass i thought i'd give it a go.
Really enjoying it, and have had zero problems thus far.
Graphics seem pretty good, not so sure about photo mode, but a few efforts..




The best i can do for now :)

Hi mate, how do you get the mk3 rs turbo?
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