FPS shooters online - I suck - tips please

20 Nov 2005
Right before you guys says anything - I am not a noob. I have been playing PC games for over 10 years and mainly go for FPS, though I do play other genres.

I have played online shooters since the original half life death match and CS through a dial up with pings averaging on best 150! I did alright, not the best, but sometimes I would come top. I now regularly dip into and out of CSS, BF2, and more recently DoD. I now have pings of 30-50 and I suck.

Playing BF2 I will be sitting there and one of the enemy would come round the corner, we probably both have full health, and I unlease about 5-7 rounds point blank. He does a roll I hear two shots and I am dead. WTF!?!

CSS source = pretty much the same minus the rolling. It seems that everyone I play have this twitch gaming down to a tee, however when I twitch I move the crosshair to far past the target cause I am moving to fast.
It seems I get given the rubber bullets for these games.

DoD with its one shot one kill policy seems more fair and I get less frustrated as I at least feel I have a fighting chance, but the other chaps on the server can always get a bead on my head it seems before I have even remembered that I am holding a gun. It is almost super human.

I know people say practice and you will get better, but I believe that superhuman abilities will always be beyond what I can do, so - any tips?
Adjust mouse speed to a slower setting.
Lower PC/game settings.
Play more.
Use single shot fire Not auto.
Go prone.

Or just use a tank. :p
Seems your style of play isn't working so watch the other players when your dead (in cs) and see what tactics they use that work.
I'm getting on a bit now (40 this yr :eek: ) so my reactions aren't as good as they used to be so you have to outwit these lightning fast youngsters. You have to know the maps inside out and know the likely places your opponents will appear from. Make good use of cover, smokes and flashes to gain the advantage always keeping your crosshair at head hight to try and get the first shot in first.
Learn how each weapon behaves and find the one your most comfortable with. Always keep on the move as a stationary target is a dead one. Try not to rush straight in on your own try to gain backup from your team mates (quite hard on pubs though). Having a decent pair of headphones is essential imo as you can hear how much noise your making and get a more accurate idea of where the enemy is likely to be.
Having a good PC and internet connection helps a lot too. Having decent fps and smooth gameplay enables you to move freely too.
You could mess about with rates to find your optimum settings but nothing can really ultimately compensate for a poor aim I'm afraid. ;)
Age means nothing. I am 41 this year and have a K/D ratio of 2.0021.
I pawn at this age and until i die for real. :p

Headphones are a great tip though. I use headphones and it places the enemy perfectly before i even see them.
I know it's the old saying but practice makes perfect. You can't really dip in and out of a game and expect to come in at top spot.

Most of the guys your up against play on a very regular basis or as much time as possible.

You may want to try some noob servers for a while just to get some practice, I know how frustrating cs source can be when you spend more time dead than actually playing. ;)
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malc30 said:
Age means nothing. I am 41 this year and have a K/D ratio of 2.0021.
I pawn at this age and until i die for real. :p

Headphones are a great tip though. I use headphones and it places the enemy perfectly before i even see them.

Nice ratio but you've spent half your time in a tank lol :eek:

I gave up on BF2 a while ago because everyone was using every exploit in the book to get the best stats possible. What ever happen to fair play and an even playing field.
Our clan has done quite well in ED (2nd) without being bunny hoping noob tubing dolphine diving mofo's so it's possible to get good results without all that nonsence :D but maybe we may have got the top position if we had used those tactics but were in it to play fair and have some fun.
I've just started playing PRMM and find that a much better alternative. It takes a lot more time to master the weapons etc but it just feels more challenging and as a result more rewarding. We also have our server set up as infantry only without artillery and armour so it's head to head infantry fighting only which appeals to me a lot more.
185 minutes in armour and over 850 hours played. Your maths suck mate.
malc30 said:
185 minutes in armour and over 850 hours played. Your maths suck mate.

OK I did get it wrong sorry but you still got a more than athird of your kills in a tank tbh ;) and it's 185 hrs not minutes. 12000kills in 185 mins you'd have to be killing people at a rate of 64 per minute lol
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I'm 33 this year and still do a pretty good job on the battlefield.

My tips:

1. Use headphones.
I use a plantronic headset - the sound isn't bassy but they are so clear in the range they do have it means I can home in on snipers, hear footsteps behind walls and reloads etc.

2. Use your brain whilst you play.
- Assess and use strategy
- maintain stealth, there are times when an easy sniper shot will give you away. Using a knife may be an option to reduce noise but it means that the person knows your position.
- use the terrain correctly. The biggest mistake is to be siluetted or hiding behind a patch of grass. If your hiding or sniping - think of the line of sight from your target zone (where the players look from to your position) and then place yourself accordingly. For example sit in a dark patch halfway down the hillside.
- Sometimes it's better to not rack up a score but defend a strategically important flag.
- The best use of brains - more brains.. efficient groups are exceptional :)

3. Weapons knowledge is from practice:
- Use the weapons, even to the point of attempting a certain play style in a certain situation with a particular gun.. For example running like to a space confined flag location with an automatic shotgun and grenades! The experience will teach you a lot about when to use which weapons and play style.
- Smoke/Gas make grenades/C4 unseen :D
- Use in preference: single shot then burst then full auto. The more shots the more likely the next shot will miss.

4. Steal from the best!
- if there's a player that's really doing a good job, spend a few lives watching how he plays (don't hog their time).
Chances are you'll find yourself on the move all the time. Get in->take flag->get out for next flag.
malc30 said:
185 minutes in armour and over 850 hours played. Your maths suck mate.

Haha! :D

To the OP- As has been said before, practice makes perfect. When I first started playing BF2 I used to, without fail, come last in every server I went on. This was with around 3 kills and 12-18 deaths.

When you start getting used to all of the maps and stuff it becomes a lot easier as you find out the good hiding/sniping spots so it gets a lot easier to spot the enemy.

I also find that going prone helps a lot. As soon as you get close to someone go prone and shoot at them. I also find that it helps a lot if you aim towards the lower half of them as if the gun you're using has lots of recoil you're pretty much guaranteed to hit them with 90% of your bullets. :)
Hawklord said:
I've just started playing PRMM and find that a much better alternative. It takes a lot more time to master the weapons etc but it just feels more challenging and as a result more rewarding. We also have our server set up as infantry only without artillery and armour so it's head to head infantry fighting only which appeals to me a lot more.

Cheers for the tips guys - I was starting to think it was my age (30) but it seems that I can't use that as an excuse! lol. Yea the dolphin diving in BF2 - thought they were gonna stop that.

Hawklord - what is PRMM - sounds like a dream without the artillery. Could I have details of what it is and the server IP. Cheers

On the mouse settings, I have just bought a Logitech MX518, thinking that it would improve things for me. The only thing it has done so far is give me immense pain in the hand as it is a different shape to my old MS Intellimouse - hope I get used to it as that will be £40 down the tube. The different sensitivity settings are great for bolt action rifles but at the highest setting is just to much for regular play. I will have alook at getting them just right for me though as I believe that if I can get this right things will improve.

on the headphone thing - I will look into this, but I use 7.1 surround sound and that is quite good.

You guys are right on the tactics - I should probably think more about things before I go rushing in. Always try to be the hero, but in death I am rarely remembered as one.
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RaMDOM said:
Hawklord - what is PRMM - sounds like a dream without the artillery. Could I have details of what it is and the server IP. Cheers


Hi, PRMM is project reality mini mod (do a google it's easy to find) and is at rev 0.3. Our server IP is and is currently a 40 man server with no armour. You have little birds etc and some vehicles to get around the maps but no tanks etc. You do not have weapon unlocks and replenishing health and ammo is done differently. Basically everything is geared to being more realistic.We run ABR on our server as do a lot of other servers. This is alternative battlefied results which is a similar stats based system with ranking as normal bf2.
Our server usually fills up arounf 7pm every night so your very welcome to squad up and have some fun :D

There are some different weapons available and some new maps too :D

Takes a while to get used to and can get frustrating at times but I do much prefer it to vanilla.
RaMDOM said:
when I twitch I move the crosshair to far past the target cause I am moving to fast.

Do you use mouse acceleration? If so, turn it off. It may also be worth lowering your mouse sensitivity.

In general for FPS games I have the following advice:

1) Know your environments. This means knowing where you can and can't be seen from in a given area, the fastest routes to get between any given two points on the map, where you can safely duck for cover while reloading etc

2) Know your enemies. By which I mean, predict what they are likely to do. If you see an enemy running away, don't blindly follow after him, think about where he is likely to be heading (for health? ammo? taking flag back to his base?) and use your map knowledge to cut him off by going another route

3) Know your weapons. It doesn't matter what FPS game you play, they all have weapons which are suited to different situations. If you have a weapon with a slow reload (sniper rifle maybe), stay far away from enemies so that you can stay out of sight while reloading. Likewise, when moving through tight, narrow corridors, 'spread' type weapons such as shotguns can be highly effective as enemies will suddenly appear at closerange.

4) Trick your opponents. The player-prediction I mentioned in 2) works both ways; enemies will be trying to evaluate what your motives are, where you are running to etc. Doubling back when out of sight, or pretending to be low on health and running for cover, then lying in ambush for when they chase you can be good tactics. Basically, don't be too predictable. You can have the best aim in the world, but it won't help you much if the enemy is one step ahead of you all the time

5) Keep moving. Staying still makes you an incredibly easy target, especially for snipers. Admittedly, in some games with big open maps, and hard-to-spot player models it sometimes works, but in general by moving constantly you eliminate the possibility of anyone being able to go for a carefully planned, patient headshot on you.

6) Think about sounds. This varies from game to game, but in some there are ways of keeping noise to a minimum, sometimes exploiting engine bugs and stuff like that to mask sounds. This also ties into point 4) above; by careful use of sounds, you can fake out your opponent and make him think you are going in a different direction.... drop from a height to make a 'thud' sound, then climb back up; quickly enter water to make a splash then retreat; pickup distinctive sounding items and then don't follow the 'normal' route etc.
as above try lowering graphics. For some reason I can play much better with lower graphics, even though the FPS at high detail is rather high, I'm confused why but huh it works.

Also as said lowering speed mouse means you don't over compensate so much.

Use the same weapon choice, all weapons fire diffrent, Range, power ect. USing 1 weapon you'll get use to it.

Apart from taht practice. If you could play 14hrs a day you would soon be like that. But aint possible unless you'r a student or won the lottery.
AcidHell2 said:
as above try lowering graphics. For some reason I can play much better with lower graphics, even though the FPS at high detail is rather high, I'm confused why but huh it works.

Also as said lowering speed mouse means you don't over compensate so much.

Use the same weapon choice, all weapons fire diffrent, Range, power ect. USing 1 weapon you'll get use to it.

Apart from taht practice. If you could play 14hrs a day you would soon be like that. But aint possible unless you'r a student or won the lottery.

lol oddly im kinda similar but I play better without sound :S

Most FPS games its usually aim only for the head and tag the trigger to get fast kills when offline its aim anywhere and full auto ^^. Takes time getting use to the change (especially in CS with hitbox lag grrr) but its pretty easy to work out after abit of patience :P
RaMDOM said:
Right before you guys says anything - I am not a noob. I have been playing PC games for over 10 years and mainly go for FPS, though I do play other genres.

I have played online shooters since the original half life death match and CS through a dial up with pings averaging on best 150! I did alright, not the best, but sometimes I would come top. I now regularly dip into and out of CSS, BF2, and more recently DoD. I now have pings of 30-50 and I suck.

Playing BF2 I will be sitting there and one of the enemy would come round the corner, we probably both have full health, and I unlease about 5-7 rounds point blank. He does a roll I hear two shots and I am dead. WTF!?!

CSS source = pretty much the same minus the rolling. It seems that everyone I play have this twitch gaming down to a tee, however when I twitch I move the crosshair to far past the target cause I am moving to fast.
It seems I get given the rubber bullets for these games.

DoD with its one shot one kill policy seems more fair and I get less frustrated as I at least feel I have a fighting chance, but the other chaps on the server can always get a bead on my head it seems before I have even remembered that I am holding a gun. It is almost super human.

I know people say practice and you will get better, but I believe that superhuman abilities will always be beyond what I can do, so - any tips?
I feel your pain, im just the same. I would suggest not playing CS Source, as while it can be good fun, i find it to be noticably dodgy when it comes shooting and being shot. Out of all the FPS i play, CS is the only one that i regular feel as if im firing air at the enemy, yet the enemy can always hit me in the head from 200 miles away, around a corner, with a single shot and while bunny hopping :D
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battlefield 2 has a very different feel to it, atleast it did to me anyways when i first got it, i smashed up a mouse because i was getting killed far too much.
you have to tune yourself in really toit, if i go and play another game then come back to bf2 i will be awful at it for a while, i need to readjust. this also happens vice versa too with games.
dont forget that if someone seems like they knew where you were a bit too often then remember they could be on a squad and the UAV/commander telling them where you are.

squad up, keep an eye on the screen for enemy activity alerts and just go gung ho for a bit whilst you find your bearings. oh and forget about the rank system/points, theyre pathetic, youll work hard for stuff only to find with the next patch every tom, dick and jane has it now.
straff a lot
make sure you find a comfortable mouse setting in "sensitivity"
Make sure the screen size is perfect for you (to me it makes a ig difference)
never stay still unless its an awsome sniper spot
when in the room with about 2+ enemys just go for the 1 dont try for both
if your on the run do a micture of crouch jump and straff make it unpredictable as they wont have much of a shot on you
on css theres a console command to react with lag etc (dnt know exactly but some one should be able to tell you)
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