FPS shooters online - I suck - tips please

Your fps and ping are fine. The shotgun has a lot of range in css ( too much I think) for some reson. silencer on the m4 will improve your accuracy at the expense of power. Kepp at it with the AK. If used right its the best weapon in the game. Its useless if you spray tho.
RaMDOM said:
Still am hoping that they will patch BF2 to stop the dolphin diving. I mean for a 'realistic' shooter (in comparison to CS:S Quake, UT etc) it has to be the most unrealistic thing I have seen on such a game!

Er actually the diving is quite realistic.

In real life when soldiers are fired upon first thing they do is hit the deck and try and find cover.

Whats unrealistic is hitting this person with several bullets then he drops to the floor and kills you with 1 shot.

BF2 is by far the most annoying game I've played so far when its come to killing people with guns, I've had people laid down before now and I've hit them with 3 rounds from a M95 sniper rifle in the head and they haven't died.

You do get better at it with practice but there are flaws in this game which you just cant help, like the AT weaps that sometimes pass through vehicles etc
Dont think anyone has said anything about rates yet (at least for cs, not sure about other online games), seems lots of new players are totally unawere of these settings.

With out going into detail about them, in the console you need to enter these command

rate 20000 ( between 15k and 25k is ok)
cl_cmdrate 80 ( 70-100)
cl_updaterate 80 (70-100)

to get in the console go in to options/keyboard/advanced and tick developer console. the button below Esc will now open console

While you are ther you might as well tick fastswitch, makes it so if you spin the mouse wheel youir weapons auto change. Some people like it this way some dont, give it a try and see what you think.

an other handy one is net_graph 1 the one can be 1-3 It will show you your fps and your actual ping as the pings on the score board are wrong
IamMed said:
Er actually the diving is quite realistic.

In real life when soldiers are fired upon first thing they do is hit the deck and try and find cover.
No, it isn't. Yes soldiers hit the deck, but it takes them time to ready themselves. In BF2 you can fire as soon as you hit the deck (if not sooner). It seems to ignore physics and medical science! :D

Agree with the rest though.
Roduga said:
No, it isn't. Yes soldiers hit the deck, but it takes them time to ready themselves. In BF2 you can fire as soon as you hit the deck (if not sooner). It seems to ignore physics and medical science! :D

Agree with the rest though.

Now you're being picky :P

They should also have a bad aim after taking 6 bullets to the chest, pain and near fatal injuries usually affect hand-eye coordination :p
Jack Bauer said:
rate 20000 ( between 15k and 25k is ok)
cl_cmdrate 80 ( 70-100)
cl_updaterate 80 (70-100)

While you are ther you might as well tick fastswitch, makes it so if you spin the mouse wheel youir weapons auto change. Some people like it this way some dont, give it a try and see what you think.

an other handy one is net_graph 1 the one can be 1-3 It will show you your fps and your actual ping as the pings on the score board are wrong

:) nice one i think that fast switch will come in very handy, i wondered how people could switch weapons so fast when i view through them after im dead.

I have that FPS / Ping graph on in the bottom right of my screen, i didnt do anything in console though just pressed loads of buttons to figure out how to get flashlight off and that poped up.

What are them rate things you mentioned?.


Think different. If you can find an unusual position or tactic it can give you an advantage, at least for a while. Chances are someone else may have done it, but they might not be around :p

So "Think beyond the normal"* even something simple like rolling under a Humvee in BF2 can surprise people. Especially if you continue on underneath, pop up the back and empty a mag into them while they're on the turret :D

Sticking together is always a good idea. I often get myself into trouble by wandering into groups on my own, where the only thing you can do is focus on one person and go down shooting.

And of course, loads of these people have way more time than you to play, so of course they're better.

If all else fails, spam the crouch button :rolleyes: kept me alive in some crazy CS situations, if not exactly popular.

*Cookie if you recognise the quote
Mark A said:
:) nice one i think that fast switch will come in very handy, i wondered how people could switch weapons so fast when i view through them after im dead.

I have that FPS / Ping graph on in the bottom right of my screen, i didnt do anything in console though just pressed loads of buttons to figure out how to get flashlight off and that poped up.

What are them rate things you mentioned?.



They are basically bandwidths and and the frequency at which you registor your keystrokes and position with the server. If they are too low ( ie default for some reson) you are unhittable as bullets dont registor. This back fires tho as you will also get less registration on other people. Just enter thoughs commands into the console and forget about them.
lower your sensitivity. a simple way to adjust your sensitivity so that one flick of the wrist = 180 turn.. then you technically have every angle covered by the flick of a wrist. fine tune from there.
wel, set the game so it runs smoothly, and then play play and play !!! Practice is everything and eventually you'll get better. But what i've learn is that you have to keep moving, so MOVE MOVE MOVE. Any players who see a sniper/(can't remember what you call them now its been so long ! the ones that just sits there and take pop shots), anyway, any decent players who sees one of those will remember all the good spot for those lurkers are and shoot at those places sometimes as they turn the corner.

So move your ass, and learn the maps. Know where people are generally, and get those reflex up !
WatchTower said:
Injuries affecting how well your character can perform in fps thats a good idea actualy. :D

After an intensive thrashing in BF2 due to unfair tactics (dolphin diving and being given the rubber bullets) and over use of cough*artillery fire by the opposing team, my cousin and I were discussing how to make an online shooter more realistic without sacrificing the fun factor or making it feel unfair. We came up with a few ideas on fire and return fire:

Head shots kill, body shot kills depending on the distance and weapon, arm shots = three shots and then death, legs = two shots and then death.

when you get hit and are not killed the screen jerks and blurs, your health goes down accordingly. This is so you cannot shoot back as your aim is affected. This is to remove the BF2 factor of taking six shots then returning fire with one to kill. The effects of being hit will quickly wear off, though your health will still reflect the damage.

Conversely you will move faster for a while upon being hit. This is to replicate what would probably happen in real life (I am guessing - having never been shot (thankfully)) in that you would want to get out of the way and into cover to recover, and will make you harder to finish off.

I have lost count of the times when I have used a support class heavy machine gun and hit nothing when firing at an enemy who is less that 20 feet away from me - they however have a rifle clamly line up a shot to my cranium and lay waste to me. People know that with this weapon the aim in rubbish. Support weapons loose there effectiveness in these sorts of games as they are used in real life to suppress the enemy. In real life they work as the threat of getting shot from a barrage heavy machine gun fire is real enough to put people off taking a chance with their accurate rifle and so keep their heads down. The death factor is removed in this situation in online games and people feel that they have a chance so might as well take it. To address this I would recommend making one in 20 or 10 bullets accurate and due to the high caliber a hit will do massive damage. The accurate shot rate will increase with crouching, and even more with going prone (suggest 30, 20, 10). People can still take the chance as they may not get hit still, but they also may be subject to the accurate bullet.

I await the flaming for my suggestions.

Also the dolphin diving is un-realistic, yes soldiers go prone when being shot at, however they do not jump 4 feet in the air go flat and then land on then stomachs from 5-6 feet, and then, as already pointed out, deliver a deadly accurate shot.
Jack Bauer said:
And what if there is 3 of them?

ok then crouching might not be the best of ideas.... if ** at range then u should retreat and find a better position, if ** up close keep running, aim for the head... and hope your m4 does the rest of the work for u :)

had a bf2 clanmatch yesterday, our opponents dolphin dived pretty much constantly it was a joke... ok so they were a lot better than us even without this but still it totally ruined the game with them bouncing up and down constantly
RaMDOM said:
Operation Flashpoint had it done properly if you ask me. Shot in the legs? Stop you standing up. Shot in the upper body? Prevent you shooting straight. It sounds so simple too...
RaMDOM said:
After an intensive thrashing in BF2 due to unfair tactics (dolphin diving and being given the rubber bullets) and over use of cough*artillery fire by the opposing team, my cousin and I were discussing how to make an online shooter more realistic without sacrificing the fun factor or making it feel unfair. We came up with a few ideas on fire and return fire:

Head shots kill, body shot kills depending on the distance and weapon, arm shots = three shots and then death, legs = two shots and then death.

when you get hit and are not killed the screen jerks and blurs, your health goes down accordingly. This is so you cannot shoot back as your aim is affected. This is to remove the BF2 factor of taking six shots then returning fire with one to kill. The effects of being hit will quickly wear off, though your health will still reflect the damage.

Conversely you will move faster for a while upon being hit. This is to replicate what would probably happen in real life (I am guessing - having never been shot (thankfully)) in that you would want to get out of the way and into cover to recover, and will make you harder to finish off.

I have lost count of the times when I have used a support class heavy machine gun and hit nothing when firing at an enemy who is less that 20 feet away from me - they however have a rifle clamly line up a shot to my cranium and lay waste to me. People know that with this weapon the aim in rubbish. Support weapons loose there effectiveness in these sorts of games as they are used in real life to suppress the enemy. In real life they work as the threat of getting shot from a barrage heavy machine gun fire is real enough to put people off taking a chance with their accurate rifle and so keep their heads down. The death factor is removed in this situation in online games and people feel that they have a chance so might as well take it. To address this I would recommend making one in 20 or 10 bullets accurate and due to the high caliber a hit will do massive damage. The accurate shot rate will increase with crouching, and even more with going prone (suggest 30, 20, 10). People can still take the chance as they may not get hit still, but they also may be subject to the accurate bullet.

I await the flaming for my suggestions.

Also the dolphin diving is un-realistic, yes soldiers go prone when being shot at, however they do not jump 4 feet in the air go flat and then land on then stomachs from 5-6 feet, and then, as already pointed out, deliver a deadly accurate shot.

This shoot 7 times at a guy who turns round and headshots u is dealt with in AA but the CEM meter. Combat effectiveness meter, while u do still occationally get the problem, with increased range its much less likely.
ojste said:
lower your sensitivity. a simple way to adjust your sensitivity so that one flick of the wrist = 180 turn.. then you technically have every angle covered by the flick of a wrist. fine tune from there.
Id say between 45' & 90' for the full range of ** wrist. Movement can widen ** range. U can turn 180 by lifting up ** wrist but u cant increase accuracy if ** sensitivity is too high (the limiting factor being friction between mouse and pad).
megatron said:
Id say between 45' & 90' for the full range of ** wrist. Movement can widen ** range. U can turn 180 by lifting up ** wrist but u cant increase accuracy if ** sensitivity is too high (the limiting factor being friction between mouse and pad).

its true that movement widens your range, though 45' - 90' for a flick of the wrist would be way too slow for me personally... you'd have to lift your wrist and flick across the mouse mat 2-3 times to see behind?

also, learning the maps will help for any fps game, for example in css, it helps to know all the camping spots so your prepared, learn the routes to the objectives etc. and in games like ut2004, it helps to know where the pickups are.
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