FPS shooters online - I suck - tips please

Wow! Cheers for all the tips guys, read a few in the afternoon and went on DoD - played as an absolute camper and got 9 kills before dying. Totally against my play still to stay in one place in such a game, but it worked - set myself up at a choke point and took advantage of the have a go heroes. Of course that only lasted for one round and it was back to being a bullet sponge once again.

Knew quite a bit of what people were saying (have never really put them into practice though as I usually die many times and log in frustration), but there is some new ones in there and will take them on board. I just need to practice more. Played around with my mouse sensitivity as well and think that I am getting to the sweet spot.

Still am hoping that they will patch BF2 to stop the dolphin diving. I mean for a 'realistic' shooter (in comparison to CS:S Quake, UT etc) it has to be the most unrealistic thing I have seen on such a game!
Had a quick game of BF2 just now. I've never had more than 3 kills on foot before but took some advice and changed my weapon to single shots and racked up 12 kills on my first go.

Thanks a lot guys!!!
I suppose this applies to modern FPS urban maps, as I was taught as a young soldier..."the first rule of street fighting is stay off the street"
Only way you can excel in online games is to know every map and learn your enemy.

Try different tactics. Do not panic if you find youself behind the enemy. Controlled burst shots are the key. Also use the guns and vehicles that you like. Don't go for stuff that you can't use just because they are supposed to be better.

If you are spotted - lead the enemy to your team mates or try and lure him into a position which is to your advantage. If they see you first then your chances are slim.

Oh and have fun!
Zefan said:
CS - keep your crosshair at head height at all times, lower sensitivity to 2.

Thats a bit too low innit?

I got a Copperhead set upto all the high stuff and have the Sens on cs to 11.1 and slowly keep going up.

My Tips:

www.cshax.onlyjoking.com :D

Nah, Just get used to the maps watch what other people do try not to run off on your own stay with the top killers if you can till you can gone lone wolf.
ScarySquirrel said:
Sorry to say this, but some people just suck at FPS games.

You need good reactions and DEFINATELY good awareness of your surroundings, and generally, as stupid as it sounds, a gamer brain, thinking ahead, know where people will go, or if something happens, what their next move will be and how you can counteract that.

And i dont care what anyone says, the day I got a copperhead and icemat i DID get better, a decent mouse and mousemat IMO will make a difference, a small one maybe, but in FPS games, every slight advantage helps.

If you run in, and have good reactions/awareness. You will own!
Get at least a logitch G5 (which is on special offer atm). It has 2000dpi sensitivity, but I use it on 800dpi so that I can adjust to 2000dpi for tank near a flag in BF2, and sometimes 400dpi in sniper zoom.

I tried scouring the internet for tweaks to my MS intellimouse optical, and while some were useful; getting a modern mouse really helps.

I dont know how others hold their mouse but I keep my wrist in contact and stationary so I need a good mouse to track my small movements.

You should add America's Army to your list because (in anything other than point blank), bunny hopping is a bad tactic. Certain maps can suit different styles of play. I was just playing half-life 2 DM yesterday and it leaping over things mid air, your gun still is as accurate as prone; thinking of the raging bull 6-shooter type gun here.

The reason why its different is because there is a CEM meter which is like a jug of water, jump and u lose half; and it slowly trickles back to make you more accurate.

It can be extremely difficult at times, but at least the deciding factor is not twitch reactions all the time; although in certain areas on maps it will be helpful.

Also for deathmatch type games, u need to be aware of pickups and gun positions.

One of the basic rules for close combat I use is that, if a guy is strafing to one way then follow his movement to keep ** crosshair on him when u have ammo. If u are dodging bullets its best to start going the opposite way that he is strafing.

In AA I have croutch bound to right click since the default alt-fire is single/auto; it has its uses in close combat but I don't make obviously spam it.

One of the best ways to improve your chance to get a kill in AA is to use scope, and if u have enough anticipation, then its best in close combat too.
megatron said:
Get at least a logitch G5 (which is on special offer atm). It has 2000dpi sensitivity, but I use it on 800dpi so that I can adjust to 2000dpi for tank near a flag in BF2, and sometimes 400dpi in sniper zoom.

I tried scouring the internet for tweaks to my MS intellimouse optical, and while some were useful; getting a modern mouse really helps.

I dont know how others hold their mouse but I keep my wrist in contact and stationary so I need a good mouse to track my small movements.

You should add America's Army to your list because (in anything other than point blank), bunny hopping is a bad tactic. Certain maps can suit different styles of play. I was just playing half-life 2 DM yesterday and it leaping over things mid air, your gun still is as accurate as prone; thinking of the raging bull 6-shooter type gun here.

The reason why its different is because there is a CEM meter which is like a jug of water, jump and u lose half; and it slowly trickles back to make you more accurate.

It can be extremely difficult at times, but at least the deciding factor is not twitch reactions all the time; although in certain areas on maps it will be helpful.

Also for deathmatch type games, u need to be aware of pickups and gun positions.

One of the basic rules for close combat I use is that, if a guy is strafing to one way then follow his movement to keep ** crosshair on him when u have ammo. If u are dodging bullets its best to start going the opposite way that he is strafing.

In AA I have croutch bound to right click since the default alt-fire is single/auto; it has its uses in close combat but I don't make obviously spam it.

One of the best ways to improve your chance to get a kill in AA is to use scope, and if u have enough anticipation, then its best in close combat too.

Could I have adownload link for AA? is it just a straight install start up the game and play - or is there anything else to consider - Login, registration, etc?

Edit: No matter - got it.
Jack Bauer said:
3 STAND STILL WHEN SHOOTING! And I dont mean dont move at all. Most commen is a side step, stop, shoot, sidestep, stop, shoot, Timing is everything with this, try to side step into the target to minimise mouse movment.
I recognise this tactic of using movement to bear down the crosshair on a target. Ive not used this much (knowingly), playing america's army since getting a decent mouse and using sights (as they automatically slow your movement).

Its the whole strafing for the win tactic that made America's Army appealing to me to begin with; since it balances the speed of strafing with tradeoff's like accuracy, and the bunny hopping will kill your ability to hit a target at range. Also accuracy is drained while being fired at, which may help a little with the "robocops" who spin round and headshot u. Even if u have absolutely no aiming skill, then a well timed nade can get u on the scorecards; with the ability to "cook" a nade.
RaMDOM said:
Could I have adownload link for AA? is it just a straight install start up the game and play - or is there anything else to consider - Login, registration, etc?

Edit: No matter - got it.
There is a little training that u need to do, like marksman range, and obstacle course, which will take 30min or less in total. U can go back to the rifle range to improve ** score later and win the chance to train in the coverted sniper school.

For special forces u need to gain 5 honour and do a escape and evasion exercise which is quite involved. Will take at least 2 hours from first attempt. This only excludes u from playing as special forces and 1 map, u can play as indigeonous forces on the SF/IF maps.

There is login/registration and tracking from America's Army servers and more detailed stats (see sig).

It had the honour rating long before battlefield though of it.
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best way to improve is to play!!!

I used to be pretty good at cs (old skool btw not steam rubbish) and then moved onto cod..

now i rarely play (once or twice a week if lucky) I suck end of.

its totally down to playing the game regular because the more you play the more you learn

I am 35 (nearly) and with job + 3 kids I dont have the time to play as much as I used to, most on line gamers are at college/uni etc and have the time to play = casual gamers getting owned :(

also true is stick to one game!! I currently play cod2, bf2, cs, cs:s and pro evo5, as each game is different I find it takes me a bit to get into them every time = pants scores and me giving up lol

a good mouse does help but what i have found to be the biggest improvement is the right desk & chair - you have to be in a comfortable position that feels natural then any movements of mouse or using keyboard will be much smoother.... hope this helps
G1BB0 said:
you have to be in a comfortable position that feels natural then any movements of mouse or using keyboard will be much smoother.... hope this helps

Have to agree with that. Few weeks back I could not hit anything. It was driving me mad, spent days messing with my rates checking computer out and generally getting angry with my self for getting owned by noobs. Turned out it was just cos I had moved my monitor along for more room when I was writing a report and forgot about it. Just that little change in viewing angle and the way I was sitting was enought to put my aim out.
yup, the desk i had a couple of years ago was top, since i replced it everything feels wrong, cant buy them anymore tho so just make do :(
people that say dont crouch while firing or aim for the chest to compensate for recoil are just average ..... if ** good enough u can crouch for the extra accuracy and kill them in the first hit the head anyway so who cares if ** an easy target or going to miss if u fired again?

in bf2 unless they are close enough to prod them with ** gun go prone and shoot at the with single fire... if they are running across your screen and u just cant hit them then u can shoot in small bursts but only as a last resort to finish them off
THC_SsSsSnake said:
we should form an oldies clan lol

There is a clan called ZHG (the zimmerframe hounor guard) which has the more mature players seen some who are even above 30 :eek: ;).

My tips, espically for BF2 is

1. If your whole team is going for one flag, ignore it, more than likely the enemy will be all there. Sneak past and get the flag behind them thus giving a tactical advantage to you.

2. Choose your kit wisely, some maps favour snipers others engi/AT guys so its basicaly to know the maps, if it has lots of armour then get out your AT mines/C4 or the AT missle.

3. Try to get into a good squad or if that isnt possible then create one, then you will have access to asking for uavs, vechile drops, arty etc etc.

4. If yopur having a hard time killing swop to a more support type of player, like a medic and instead of going for kills just keep your team alive and revived.
:) Loads of good advice in here and I'm glad to see some people have already improved their KDRs.

I'll agree with people who say to find your weapon that you are best with, get good with that. But then start to practice with others also.
The comments about getting to know your enemy are correct, but it works both ways. If you settle into patterns using the same weapon and cover points then the enemy will learn this.
The more versatile you are with different weapons the more you can surprise the enemy and adapt to your situation at that moment

I'm playing cod2 and find that being able to use a rifle on the open maps or an auto on the more confined ones has improved my KDR.
My favourite server is an american one, I have a ping of between 100-150 on there and I don't suffer from that.
My KDR on there is lower than on most other servers I use because they are good players but I always get a good game.
Wow this is a great thread, some excellent tips :) . Ive just recently started playing CSS and I'm really enjoying it, I'm am pretty rubbish but get a few head shots every now and again.

My ping is usually around 25-45 is this OK?
My FPS are usually between 60-200 is this OK or would it be worth lowering some settings, i have it on 1280 X 1024 res and most settings on high.

I don't know if a lot of people cheat on this game or what but i have been shot with a shot gun quite a distance away with full health and armor and died in one shot a few times.

I tend to use the M4 a lot and also i dont know if it makes a differentce or not but i find its more accurate with the silencer attached. I hate the AK47 i just cant seem to shoot it as accurate as the M4.

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