FPS shooters online - I suck - tips please

Well, Im certainly the oldest person here. I spent 2 years in the late 60's being thrown out of perfectly good planes and humping all sorts of weaponry around training areas. I even got to fire a few shots in "anger".
When I started playing MOHAA round based stuff it was really good. The team worked as a proper squad and our kill rates were great and it was a lot of fun.

Now with modern FPS games like COD and BF2 I'm utterly useless unless I go on a server with only 4-6 players and we can stalk etc. Its probably my age and slow reactions but I cant compete with you youngsters in the reaction area.
Sorry to say this, but some people just suck at FPS games.

You need good reactions and DEFINATELY good awareness of your surroundings, and generally, as stupid as it sounds, a gamer brain, thinking ahead, know where people will go, or if something happens, what their next move will be and how you can counteract that.

And i dont care what anyone says, the day I got a copperhead and icemat i DID get better, a decent mouse and mousemat IMO will make a difference, a small one maybe, but in FPS games, every slight advantage helps.

William said:
Don't run in, hang back a minute or so, when you go in you can scrounge the leftovers as they will have low health. :)

If you run in, and have good reactions/awareness. You will own!
Playing COD2 a lot, it's pretty similar to those games.

I use a ridiculously high sensitivity, as I have small desk space etc, but in general a lower one is advised. Just play about until you find one that suits you.

Practice with the weapon you're most effective with, don't use others, unless it's a rifle and you need an auto gun as a backup for people that get too close.

Go prone often, it's harder to be hit

Turn up the sound and use footsteps/weapon shots to your advantage to pinpoint the enemy.

I don't know about other games, but COD2 has an icon that comes up to show you where a teammate has just died which hovers over their body to give you an idea of where the enemy are.

Learn the maps well so you're not lost, and can expect areas where people camp or are often positioned, for example a road which is a link between two major positions.

Learn ways of getting behind these positions(There's usually a way) so that you have the element of surprise.

When going round corners, get ready to aim, so you have the upper hand and are hopefully aiming at the enemies face. (if it's a 90* corner, face the wall and sidestep out, so you're facing the direction the enemy may be)

Use leaning to your advantage.

Use grenades to clear out corners you think you heard someone in, although be careful as they can alert the enemy to your location.

NEVER STAND STILL IN THE OPEN; you will be sniped.

That's the basics.
deko said:
maybe with the 150 ping nobody could hit you :rolleyes:
what humbug.. lots of folk had such pings in those days and on a dial up, a 150 ping wasn't bad. lag was the problem not ping and you could get lag on ISDN with a 40 ping and yet someone else may have a stable game at 200 ping..
Play something other then WWII crap, no offence buit BF2, CS/CSS/DOD are just boring as hell...

Same read me but ever so slighty different and you keep paying cash for it. :p

Try something a little different like UT/Quake series.. Much more fun and no lives or waiting BS.
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Few tips fpr css

1 play against noobs till you get your aim right. Start of slow, make sure your cross hair is on target when you press fire (most important thing in cs, you will miss if you start shooting before the cross hair reaches the target). At distance 2-3 bullets at a time.

2 Dont get use to crouching. It does help your aim but it aint nessaccery. If you get use to it you will find it hard to get use to distance shots standing up. Your are easy target crouched as you aint moving, any good player will take you out in secs.

3 STAND STILL WHEN SHOOTING! And I dont mean dont move at all. Most commen is a side step, stop, shoot, sidestep, stop, shoot, Timing is everything with this, try to side step into the target to minimise mouse movment. Again your wont be able to get this right atfirst so go on a noob server.

4 forgive me poor spelling, too much time playing cs instead of working at school
i'm soooo happy that at 47 i'm not the oldest FPS around :)
used to be in a MOHAA clan where the youngest member was 24 with only a few under 30.oldest was 66 ! we were no pushover either in clan matches.
one point i'd like to make ref the original post.the chap said he would fire a few shots to no effect.now i dont play BF2 but i know FPS games and there is a thing known as the hitbox where your shots must register in order to make a kill.in MOST FPS games if you fire at a moving target its necessary to aim slightly infront to get a hit.similar to deflection shooting in aerial combat.
for example if the target is moving left to right across your line of sight then i would aim a few inches to the right of the head for the killing shot.aiming directly at the target always seems to result in a miss.might not apply to BF2 but i felt its worth a mention.
footman said:
THC_SsSsSnake said:
we should form an oldies clan
lolwouldnt last 5 minutes :)
There's a clan for more mature players (over 25, but the vast majority are much older) in Battlefield 2, and they're really very good from what I have heard about them.

Their website is at http://www.old*sclan.com/ (replace the star with a very well-known word for a fatherless child, I don't want to break forum rules with swears.)
Thats due to your ping, so the server doesn't register that you've shot there until the packet actually reaches the server. This mean that you need to aim slightly ahead of the enemy to hit them. The distance depends on your ping. When I was in Israel playing with 100-200 ping I would sometimes need to aim in the middle of nowhere to get my kills in CoD.
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