FPS - What To Play

29 May 2011
With Fallout 4 turning out to be thoroughly disappointing, even after 100 hours just find myself feeling bored and the game empty.

I loved Metro, that was the last FPS that I played with the story being griping and interesting and I've only played Fallout 4 in the last year and half. With Winter looming looking to find a game worthy of being played!

Hit me with you suggestions.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games + mods?

Hard Reset.

Quake + Epsilon mod.

Far Cry 3 / 4.

Shadow Warrior (2013).


E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy.

Doom 3 + mods.....and so on. :)
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fallout 3 and skyrim (all modded) if you have not played them already, Alien isolation. Although it's not an fps game, I couldn't recommend witcher 3 enough.

I'll post again if anything else springs to mind.

Although I didnt get into it myself, a lot of people loved the recent wolfenstein games
Not keen on Far Cry, found them quite repetitive especially with the base capturing.

STALKER looks quiet dated and I've seen my brother play it and it's a farce to mod and play.

Fallout 4 took enough mods to make it bearable. Seriously looking into Witcher 3 however have seen reviews which say the combat is easy :\ May just ignore it and go ahead with it.
The two Wolfenstein games, if you want shooter action.

Borderlands 2 is one of my favorite game ever, but it's not exactly a classical FPS. If it's on offer, and you want RPG elements and something a bit 'faster' than Fallout, sure, especially co-op.

Alien Isolation is good, it's a slow-paced horror more than a standard FPS, and often frustrates on purpose.

The Old COD 4 is actually quite good. Then it's downhill from there.

Dying Light was fun as well. But it's still an RPG-style games.

Never played FarCry 3, heard it's good.
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Far Cry Blood dragon - it's a perfect length game.

Borderlands 1 & 2 are very good with a friend.

I assume that you've played the older Fallout games?

Best FPS on pc is BF4

STALKER is good once you install the visual and gameplay mods. Looks like a much newer games than it is with mods installed, I was very impressed.

Well worth a go, game can be had for a few euro now. I really, really enjoyed it, similar in many ways to Fallout 3 but a lot more drab, dark, depressing and creepy, too.
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