FPS - What To Play

Best FPS on pc is BF4

Instead of bf4, get a cat and play in its litter box, more fun.

Witcher 3 has difficulty settings.... (Lots of mods available too)

It was mentioned earlier but dying Light is good, about to have a massive dlc added as well
Not stopped playing Far Cry 4 since picking it up last week. New PC helps mind!

But yeh, 20 hours in a week. That's about 3 months gaming time normally :O
With Fallout 4 turning out to be thoroughly disappointing, even after 100 hours just find myself feeling bored and the game empty.

I loved Metro, that was the last FPS that I played with the story being griping and interesting and I've only played Fallout 4 in the last year and half. With Winter looming looking to find a game worthy of being played!

Hit me with you suggestions.


I agree that Metro and Last Light were great games. I got the Redux versions for £6 off Steam and they were so fun to work through. The original novels are great and I think, having read them before playing the games, that the additional knowledge I had about the world of the Metro really added to the experience.

I am also looking for a decent story driven shooter, From what everyone has said I think Wolfenstein New Order is going to be my next download!
You need to try Ravenshield.

Old game, but very good. Realistically difficult - if you enjoy a challenge, this is it.
Borderlands 2 :D

(my work here is done! :D)

Only if you don't mind losing all your friends, family, and possibly your job, to a hideous, hideous addiction...

I'm just glad the DLC sucked as much as it did or I might still be playing... (Honestly, as much as I loved the base game, the DLC was utter garbage.)
For me the best have been:

Last Light
Farcry 3-4
Alien Isolation
Dying light.
It's a million miles better than any other fps on pc, laugh all you want but your wrong.

Would I be correct in assuming that you've never played the original Deus Ex, CoD (and UO), MoH:AA, Project IGI, RTCW, Half Life, Half Life 2, Far Cry, Crysis etc. etc. etc.

I think it's you that is wrong here, and I'd be willing to wager that I'm not the only one who thinks so either.
Yeah I have played everyone of those games mate, crysis 3 is brilliant (although origin). 850 games on steam so yes I play a lot lol. Nothing comes close to BF4. Half life was good in it's day but doesn't compare to FPS games nowadays for me. Farcry 3 was a very good game. The rest you mentioned I never liked. There are other great FPS games such as Unreal but like I say nothing comes close to BF4.
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Yeah I have played everyone of those games mate, crysis 3 is brilliant (although origin). 850 games on steam so yes I play a lot lol. Nothing comes close to BF4. Half life was good in it's day but doesn't compare to FPS games nowadays for me. Farcry 3 was a very good game. The rest you mentioned I never liked. There are other great FPS games such as Unreal but like I say nothing comes close to BF4.

This. Deus ex was a pretty good game though, farcry 3 was excellent and like he said Crysis 3 which was brilliant. BF4 is miles ahead though.
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