FPS where you don't get upgrades

Some of the Insurgency maps are extremely unbalanced. The player base can be extremely toxic too. It's a great game though.

You've pretty much summed up why I don't play it as much tbh, the map design is awful and I got kicked from a compet match from stopping people camping our spawn :rolleyes:

Hence why I love RO2 a lot, classic 'rifley' gameplay and good map design
You've pretty much summed up why I don't play it as much tbh, the map design is awful and I got kicked from a compet match from stopping people camping our spawn :rolleyes:

Hence why I love RO2 a lot, classic 'rifley' gameplay and good map design

RO2 is a wonderful game, it has weight, scopes are rare and the sound design is outstanding. The tanks are also barely a threat to infantry if you play well.

I remember picking a German off at 200m+ with a revolver. Oh the fun I had with a revolver.
There's a few may disagree with me but - planetside 2.

If you play in the big zergy fights it's very possible to have plenty of good times with the basic loadout given to a heavy infantry. Shoot rockets into doorways you saw enemy around a while ago, make gratuitous use of the "spot" key and do silly aggressive moves with the shield active (you'll usually get 1, maybe 2 before their mates see you and drop you).

I've played.... lots of hours. I still use the original heavy assault weapon to good effect. You DO need to put your first few cert points (gained from experience) into improving the armour of your selected class and yes, technically, up to this point you ARE at a disadvantage to everyone. Beyond this though, stuff gets fairly even. One or 2 specific weapons are quite OP in their weapon class, otherwise stuff is situational. A decent reflex sight (or a nightsight/infra-red, termed as "HSNV" scope) is pretty much a must too. The first couple of armour upgrades and sight/scope will take you about 3 hours play in a decent firefight though.

Vanu or NC have a VERY slightly edge on overall weapon selection (mostly because their shotguns and SMG's have big pro's and big cons while the TR stuff is all fairly even and mundane as a result).

You CAN happily spend a LOT of real hard cash to get to the better stuff MUCH faster. It tends to unlock weapon systems though, you still need the certs to upgrade them and make them worth using so real cash just gives you more options, it's certs from experience that increase your characters absolute strength relative to others.

If you don't like a learning curve though, go with something easier, you WILL be cannon fodder until you "find your mojo" :) Once mojo arrives though, it's very even/fun :)
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If your ping is bad enough, probably :D

Unless you mean infiltrators? Otherwise - yeah, there's been the odd hack doing the rounds but definitely not something you see much of.
Insurgency gets another vote but my number one vote goes to Red Orchestra 2 / Rising storm. It's just such a good game. I recommend the 40-1 or Simrai servers. The game is so well done and whilst there are unlocks of sorts its very limited and things like a drum mag instead of a stick mag on the thompson and they take time to get and dont effect gameplay.

Think i might create a thread for a RO2 night if folks are interested
Another shout for Planetside 2, it's worth a look if you want a game were you can just boot it up instantly join a mass battle and cause plenty of damage with stock weapons.

Yes, there is a plethora of unlocks and gadgets but the stock weapons work as well as any of them, you just might need a scope which you'll get in your first few kills.
While BF4 does have a lot of unlocks some of the starting weapons are just as good as anything you can unlock later.

+1, although I played it on PS4, most of the later unlockable weapons have disadvanatages that offset whatever advantage they have - most of the starting weapons are more balanced all rounders.

Also TF2 - yes there are other weapons to obtain, but they are not so much an improvement, just a different way of playing.
Another thumbs up for Insurgency.

I've recently got back into it after a break from gaming in general.

I tend to gravitate toward co-op servers (real men wait for the click is one such). There's some new stock maps that are pretty intense.
PVP can be a massive pain, but if you find a server with some decent regulars you can enjoy some random fps gaming. Take one or two hits and your wasted; not like some of the cod incarnations where you ahev to empty a whole magazine into the player to put him down.

The only bad thing about it is the vote-kicking by american brats squealing about 'pistols only or we'll kick you' whilst I'm still trying to sort my loadout having just spawned into the game. This is on a public server. Some folk are way too quick on the votekick. A decent server will usually override this with other players down-voting the kick.
A good co-op or pvp server with some decent maps or custom rotation is great fun.

I tried RO2 (quite a few of my old COD2 clan mates played this) but it was quite buggy and the skill points grinding against other long standing players was just frustrating and I eventually sacked it off. I so wanted to like it, but the mmo style skill level grinding was a huge turnoff.
Yeah I'd be up for that, I'm not particularly good but would have a go

Thats fine, if we can get a group together we can invade a server and have a bit of a laugh. In Rising Storm I am a bit of a demon Flamethrower. You'll usually find me lurking behind enemy lines with no hint im there until you suddenly see trenches and pillboxes being lit up one after another :D:D
Another thumbs up for Insurgency.

I've recently got back into it after a break from gaming in general.

I tend to gravitate toward co-op servers (real men wait for the click is one such). There's some new stock maps that are pretty intense.
PVP can be a massive pain, but if you find a server with some decent regulars you can enjoy some random fps gaming. Take one or two hits and your wasted; not like some of the cod incarnations where you ahev to empty a whole magazine into the player to put him down.

The only bad thing about it is the vote-kicking by american brats squealing about 'pistols only or we'll kick you' whilst I'm still trying to sort my loadout having just spawned into the game. This is on a public server. Some folk are way too quick on the votekick. A decent server will usually override this with other players down-voting the kick.
A good co-op or pvp server with some decent maps or custom rotation is great fun.

I tried RO2 (quite a few of my old COD2 clan mates played this) but it was quite buggy and the skill points grinding against other long standing players was just frustrating and I eventually sacked it off. I so wanted to like it, but the mmo style skill level grinding was a huge turnoff.

There isn't a disadvantage on RO2 for being a lower level? It's just drum magazines and bayonets.
Stupid comment with zero understanding of the game or the planned gameplay A++ would waste time reading again

Nope, just a jolly comment from from an original backer (Oct 2012) having a dig at some of the alarming ship prices coming on.
Smile mate, it may not even hurt. :p
RTCW - Wolfplayer Edition is what you want. It's a RTCW multiplayer remake that also includes some of the better maps from ET. Completely faithful in every regard bar the engine, which has been brought smack uptodate, and with built in irc for arranging scrims and competitions. Rejoice - the pinnacle of team and objective based fps is coming back to the pc! ... and then I woke up.
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