FPS where you don't get upgrades

Thats fine, if we can get a group together we can invade a server and have a bit of a laugh. In Rising Storm I am a bit of a demon Flamethrower. You'll usually find me lurking behind enemy lines with no hint im there until you suddenly see trenches and pillboxes being lit up one after another :D:D

I'll be up for this, me and a friend had so much fun playing as Japanese officers running at everyone with swords. Eating 4/5 M1 shots before slicing the guys arm off as he frantically tries to reload.
There isn't a disadvantage on RO2 for being a lower level? It's just drum magazines and bayonets.

Maybe its changed since I last played? I recall there being stuff like loading speed bonuses, less suppression, less sway on weapons, more stamina and faster aiming etc.
I've been an fps gamer for a lot of years and the disadvantages playing against a higher ranked player were frustrating in a standup fight.
I wanted to like that game as it ticked so many boxes: WW2 - check. 'Realistic' gameplay - check. Large mp maps - check. Diverse weapon classes - check.
I just couldn't love it for the reasons I mentioned already. That and the never ending TDM that seemed to be the only play style when my preferred was always obj based squad gaming.
Maybe I'm too picky, but despite what it should have been, it's not a game for me.
FPS games that don't require you play them for hundreds of hours to earn new weapons?

definition of cs isnt it, everyone gets equal weapons. When I played BF2 with the upgrades, I'd just kill the players with the nice weapons and then stay alive or play more tactically to retain it
Maybe its changed since I last played? I recall there being stuff like loading speed bonuses, less suppression, less sway on weapons, more stamina and faster aiming etc.
I've been an fps gamer for a lot of years and the disadvantages playing against a higher ranked player were frustrating in a standup fight.
I wanted to like that game as it ticked so many boxes: WW2 - check. 'Realistic' gameplay - check. Large mp maps - check. Diverse weapon classes - check.
I just couldn't love it for the reasons I mentioned already. That and the never ending TDM that seemed to be the only play style when my preferred was always obj based squad gaming.
Maybe I'm too picky, but despite what it should have been, it's not a game for me.

There are a slight, as in a fraction of a percent change in stats depending on playtime. In no way has it ever seemed noticeable too me.

I've never had issues finding full objective game servers either. Maybe give it another go? The expansion is great too.

Its FTP so worth a try, dont worry about the cards anythung above bronze is skin only and even the card is very very minor.

Got to go with that one just buy the starter pack, if you want to have a new merc save your in game currency. They have just put in anti-cheat at last....
Red Orchestra 2 multiplayer was a great recommendation.

The graphics, sound and general feel of the game are fantastic. You actually have to run and prone instantly behind something when shot at otherwise you will end up dead. I did find a great sniper place in a warehouse and picked off 20 people being being spotted. Picking people off at 100m+ is fun :)
Red Orchestra 2 multiplayer was a great recommendation.

The graphics, sound and general feel of the game are fantastic. You actually have to run and prone instantly behind something when shot at otherwise you will end up dead. I did find a great sniper place in a warehouse and picked off 20 people being being spotted. Picking people off at 100m+ is fun :)

Excellent glad you're enjoying it.

We definitely need to organise an ocuk server invasion at some point
Best thing is tripwire are leaving the eastern front and going to Vietnam for the next one. I am really really looking forward to that. Lets hope they release it a little better this time as R02 suffered a little (although it ran dandy on my rig)
Best thing is tripwire are leaving the eastern front and going to Vietnam for the next one. I am really really looking forward to that. Lets hope they release it a little better this time as R02 suffered a little (although it ran dandy on my rig)

I've just been playing on a vietnam / jungle style map. Was fun crawling around in the swamps

It ran like total rubbish the last time I played it on my Q6600, ATI card (5770 maybe) combo. With 4790k and 780 Ti it runs much nicer!
Cs go (dont bother with source terrible game) still a huge learning curve to become proficient.

Cs 1.6 for the die hard (where i learnt) but not many servers anymore.

Source > GO still in my opinion. The Deagle in GO is disgracefully bad. It didn't take me long to get used to the new weapon spray patterns but the Deagle itself is purely impossible with the BS recoil it has.

I've been playing since 1.6 too. The main reason I'd recommend GO over Source is the fact it's now (obviously) the more widely played game. Much like 1.6, Source has barely any (good) servers now.
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