Free to air F1 likely to end

I've watched a mixture of BBC and Sky. As I'm using Sky Go which is in SD, then I tend to watch the BBC when they do it live as its in HD. To me both are much the same so am happy to watch either.
24 hours of non stop live coverage of Le Mans in HD is enough to justify my Sky subscription.

Or at least it would be if I wasn't out all day Saturday :mad::mad::mad:
Before you get to carried away, how many people watched the Italy v Spain match that was on at the same time?

no idea but in my experience f1 fans arent to bothered about football ?

its the highest viewer count sky have had so far so the football cant have effected them to much
- 1.77m - Canada (1.63m race average)
- 1.60m - Bahrain (1.4m race average)
- 1.50m - Malaysia
- 1.02m - Australia

the bbc coverage obviously hurts sky though because when a race is on the bbc aswel the sky viewing figures drop to around 700k
This is the reality that most people refuse to accept.

We may think we are die hard fans of a massively popular sport, but in reality we are overwhelmingly overshadowed by a lot of other sports like Golf and Tennis, and sports that are far cheaper to cover.

Its impossible to support an F1 broadcasting package without subscriptions and adverts. Its as simple as that.

seems strange how the BBC were able to have two stints at it surely - and we pay the licence fee as well, surely we should get a choice of whats on the BBC as much as the ******** who want BGT (or no talent, which is more to the point)

The fact is the same shows come on for season after season which are identical - the BBC has no seasonal football (ie only summer events) and some FA Cup matches, a bit of rugby, very little tennis - athletics when it feels like it, its a pretty poor showing (especially after spending nigh on £1bn on the move)

streams are **** quality,(even if I had the quality of bt phone line to get a decent net speed), so thats out - and Im not allowed Sky in my building

I thought this year was bad, but Im severly disappointed by this choice by the BBC (obviously once Sky got their grubby mits on it, it was inevitable, but I hoped it would last a little longer on freeview)
the bbc coverage obviously hurts sky though because when a race is on the bbc aswel the sky viewing figures drop to around 700k

Hardly a surprise. Everyone who has SSF1 also has BBC1, and the BBC pre and post race stuff is generally better. Makes sense for around half of people to choose BBC when they have a choice.

This is why BBC having live races will stop Sky putting adverts in. If they did they would have 0 viewers for any race the BBC is also showing live.
BBC Pre-race commentary (when they have the rights)
Sky for the race commentary - Cannot beat Martin Brundle.

Will be sad to Lose Jake and Eddie having a laugh.
in other countries sky have 5minute adverts every 7 laps lol expect that when bbc drop f1

Yes but they also keep a small window with the f1 running when the adverts are on. I watched a few races like that last year in Spain and it didn't bother me really.
streams are **** quality,(even if I had the quality of bt phone line to get a decent net speed), so thats out - and Im not allowed Sky in my building

Sky Go is watchable. Would be nice to have it in HD at some point (even 720p).
its watchable when the stream stays on 2.9mb but for me it usually drops to 0.5mb after a while if left on auto .....

and HIGH is only 1.8mb? which looks pretty poop

the hd stream the bbc tested was pretty good and they seemed to have the bandwidth for it
The thing that bothers me is that you can't just buy the channel you want. Can you imagine if retailers did similar - want to buy petrol? We'll only let you buy that if you buy 500 toothbrushes.

Why do I have to buy something I have no use for to get the one thing I do want. I've had the sports channels since the first race and not looked at them a single time.
As a question, people who are saying that % of total viewers matter, rather than total viewership, surely an audience of 700k is always better than an audience of 350k, regardless of percentages, as there are still more total fans to buy merchandise etc....

I object to having to pay for the F1 with Sky Sports. I feel like there should be a 'Sky F1' option, that is either an online subscription, where you are allowed to stream the channel live as and when you want, or you can buy just the F1 channel with your sky package.

Also, the sky coverage is ****, the only thing I like about the Sky Coverage is Brundle's grid walk.

Hell, last week, I watched the BBC coverage instead of the Sky Coverage, despite having access to both, and BBC's being a cut down version....

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