Free wifi booster to sky customers

you dont add the router, you add the wifi booster and when you select the upgrade/add button etc when you get to the checkout it replaces it with the sky hub.
I still have the original white router from six or so years ago, and no router offer so it can't be that they only offer to replace older routers.

when your logged into your account try clicking My Sky then offers it might appear under that, if not try adding the free sky booster and see if it changes it to the hub once your at the checkout page. The site looks like its having problems so you could keep trying and it should eventually work
I tired to do it yesterday but I kept getting error. Tried later that night and it worked.

I know its too late to ask but if I get this booster, it doesn't mean I sign up another 12 months or anything else? What strings are attached to this? Did anyone read the T&Cs?
My Sky still showing my order as "being prepared for Delivery", if that doesn't change by the end of the day i'll contact them, want my free router damnit, been stuck on this old Sagem router for years.
Mine says that but I think it's because I have 2 or 3 offers applied to my account currently which run out in a few months.

Do you have any kind of offer or credit on your Sky package?

New monthly cost with offers
£52.83 then £68.90

Last one we had was the half price broadband but that has ended already.
Ordered yesterday, got confirmation email after 12 hrs, now being prepared for delivery, not sure i'll even use it so may offer it to someone on here lol ... figured why not if its free with free delivery too
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