Much preferred starlancer, loved the dark and gritty vibe.
FL was an epic game, both SP and MP. After playing SP to the death, I went on the 64player Jolt UK servers and had an incredible blast as the server state was persistent. Massive planetary battles were a sheer joy to witness.Freelancer for me was the last great space game i've played.
Would love it if they converted it into a MMO.
Hardwar was an awesome game also, altho not quite on the same galactic scale.
Bit unlike me to come into a thread and say the same thing again, but I just want to stress again how brilliant Freespace 2 is. Very, very intuitive control system yet isn't dumbed down. In terms of combat, I've never played a spacesim that good (actually I've never played a better spacesim fullstop - it's better than Freelancer at least). The storyline is very strong as well, and you get a real warm gooey feeling inside when you are getting your arse handed to you, weaving around in dogfights desperately trying to survive an onslaught and then in comes the cavalry to save the day, a friendly cruiser warps in, beam cannon blazing...
Key thing is do NOT be put of by the age of the game, it has an extremely competent (and organised) modding community that brings the technology a bit more up to date, letting you experience the full brilliance of the underlying gameplay and storyline. A lot of modding communities could learn a lot from hardlight/SCP in fact.
Bit unlike me to come into a thread and say the same thing again, but I just want to stress again how brilliant Freespace 2 is. Very, very intuitive control system yet isn't dumbed down. In terms of combat, I've never played a spacesim that good (actually I've never played a better spacesim fullstop - it's better than Freelancer at least). The storyline is very strong as well, and you get a real warm gooey feeling inside when you are getting your arse handed to you, weaving around in dogfights desperately trying to survive an onslaught and then in comes the cavalry to save the day, a friendly cruiser warps in, beam cannon blazing...
Key thing is do NOT be put of by the age of the game, it has an extremely competent (and organised) modding community that brings the technology a bit more up to date, letting you experience the full brilliance of the underlying gameplay and storyline. A lot of modding communities could learn a lot from hardlight/SCP in fact.
This this this absolutely.
I've said it earlier in this thread but I just HAVE to say it again. Freespace 2 is an AMAZING game. It's not that much like Freelancer but everything from the story to the presentation to the way the ships feel is brilliant. The ships handle beautifully. The game plays amazingly. The missions aren't too long but aren't too short either. None of them are frustrating.
The feel you get when your little spaceship is being shot by 10 fighters, you take down three and then, out of the corner of your eye, you see a massive warship, easily hundreds times the size of your fighter, jump in, flak and beam cannons blazing... well, no other game has that.
It even plays well with a mouse and keyboard. Also hardlight/SCP and the Freespace Open project mean that it has a modding community like no other. Mods adding hours of gameplay exist for that game and graphically it still looks great.
If you like space game combat even in the slightest then I really recommend you go pick it up from GOG.