
always wanted to do a light fighter only playthrough, may as well do it now before d4 releases.

"just call me Juni" ;)

The line I never forget is "we don't run this base, but we have an understanding with the people who do". You hear that line or a variation of it dozens of times :cry:

I am going to do the same also, as I always went down the trading route.
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It is this one bud :)

Not sure if compatible. I only want the vanilla experience this time.

Yeah, that's the one i got. It's weird, I was expecting it to patch the existing install, not install a new version under the user's local appdata lol.

Vanilla is fine for single player, but multiplayer, its got to be Discovery.
Yeah, that's the one i got. It's weird, I was expecting it to patch the existing install, not install a new version under the user's local appdata lol.

Vanilla is fine for single player, but multiplayer, its got to be Discovery.

I have no interest in MP myself.
I spent many months failing my degree on games like this. Trade routes set up for easy cash, managing multiple ships with weapon stores at FP9 trading Nomad weapons and 1v1 PVP tournaments with systems full of people watching and taking part.

I've never played modded apart from the admin mods used to monitor the server, was always vanilla.

In the really serious days I'd have two PC's doing traderuns while playing clan life on the main PC.
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Installed the Freelancer HD mod the other day. Mostly fine but it does seem a bit buggy with the mouse. If, for instance, you drag the mouse all the way to the right or left side (probably top & bottom too) it resets to the centre of the screen, which is REALLY annoying.
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