Freeman of the Land / Bonkers Theories

You must keep us updated on every single thing.

We had another case last week in Court.
Patient refused to wear a mask so Clinician refused to see him and patient took it further and ended up in Court.
He took one of those idiots into Court with him and my boss said the Judge just kept saying "What are you on about?".
In the end the Judge said "You were asked to wear a mask, you weren't asked to do harm to anybody else so it's your own fault for your advanced problem" and dismissed it.
This reminds me of an episode from last year (I really should start a book on this), he was booked in for an operation on his haemorrhoids…… He went in for his pre-op and refused to wear a mask in the private hospital, he then had a full blown argument with the consultant and a nurse who were insistent on him wearing a mask, after an hour the consultant said to him well it looks like Mr XXX your haemorrhoids don’t need treatment after all, it looks like you can go home and not need the operation. He actually came away and told people he won an argument with a consultant in hospital and didn’t have to wear a mask, what he didn’t realise was the consultant just wanted him out of the place and cancelled an operation he needed.


I have more episodes like this.
I want to hear all of them :)
I’ll ruin the book.

There is one where he ended up getting 120k less on the MBO deal, he pushed me so hard I resigned, he panicked and took my last and final offer after he found out I was sat at home looking for jobs, he told everyone that he “won his war” and I “had learned my lesson”
I'd be tempted to inform the Police, they will put it on APNR and when it triggers they will go after him He needs bringing down a peg or two.
Already done, that's his SL and Bentley no longer insured. I can see him being made an example of. Expect this to hit the Daily Mail :D

You don't bring down people with a narcissistic personality disorder, its impossible
Wow I find myself agreeing with a lot (but not all) of what Dowie is saying.

Re the "freeman of the land" stuff, what it comes down to is people have to realise and accept there is an "authority" and it is the authority for a reason, i.e. it is the most powerful entity, so it makes the rules.
The problem lies with his Narcissistic personality disorder, he has always felt more important than others. He used all those buzzwords sheeple and made up some quite abusive ones too. He has the complete inability to say sorry or backout of something he's done, doing or said, he doubles down. It's going to end very badly.

Another thing he got into was the Big Pharma is evil mantra, despite having a quadruple bypass, his heart valves replaced and a ICD/pacemaker fitted plus various other life saving treatments.
Last year he decided big pharma was evil and stopped ALL his various meds and started buying supplements from this lunatic

During is annual follow up and his heart surgeon last year he was told that he will die very soon if he continues and all his results have decreased significantly. He's back on his meds now...

He also believes that the "Elite Pedophiles" have medbeds that grow back part of your body and repairs it while sleeping

A deeply flawed and conflicted person!
Drew, I’m sorry you’re going through this. No matter what, watching the descent of a family member into lunacy is hard.

I’m a long time lurker and felt compelled to sign up and reply to this post. What you describe of your father is frighteningly similar to what has happened to my mother over the past few years. It began pre-covid with what looked like increasing eccentricity. She has been lonely so we all thought it was just as a result of too much time alone. However when covid kicked off, she went into a tailspin. Global elite paedophile rings, doctors conspiring to kill off all of the old people, government surveillance and control of the masses, trails of chemicals being sprayed from commercial planes to force climate change, quoting the Magna Carta regularly.

It all went really peer shaped last year when she went to visit my grandparents whilst she was very ill with covid. Everyone knew she had it and warned her to stay away, but she has become immeasurably stubborn so went anyway. Long story short, my grandparents caught it and my grandfather died a slow, lonely and incredibly painful death over the following month. Everyone knew what happened but, like your father, she doubled down every time anyone confronted her. She went on the attack with them, interfering with their own families, their jobs, friends etc. It is now at the stage where the whole family are afraid of her and what she might do next if challenged, and they now spout some of the same thing she does to appease her. I’m fortunate enough to live a distance away so have largely been insulated from the ‘in person’ manipulation, however it has been very difficult to watch my family turn into something of a mini-cult controlled by her.

I have looked into what drives these beliefs and have been horrified to discover the sheer scale of the madness. There are millions of people who believe in and live this life.

I’m not sure why I’m posting this on this forum; maybe an exercise in cathartacism, or maybe just to report that these cases are far from isolated. I’d be interested to hear from anyone else who has experienced similar. I‘ve often wondered if anyone went down this rabbit hole and eventually regained their sanity and told their story. Like reformed members of the Westboro Baptist Church.
Sorry to hear about you're mother.
I was able to cut him off entirely, most of this comes from a couple of people I know and trust. He's so boastful and proud about what he is doing I get these little bonus extras occasionally.

It's highly likely that's all you can do. I found this YouTube channel really helpful
You start joining the dots and realise there is little you can do and for your own mental health you remove them from your life.

Feel free to DM me if you want to vent and chat, I went through a horrific time last year so know what you're going through.

Whilst some people may feel sorry for him, trust me when I say he deserves everything coming his way and more.

Another little anecdote.
My sister has special needs and thus lives in a home with 7 other residents. Most of them have Downs Syndrome, although my sister doesn't but she loves living there. Its a lovely place and the people that work there are fantastic. During the first lot of jabs being issued they were all put on priority to have these. He found out and started abusing all of the staff and claiming it was planned genocide and against human rights.

This is one of the emails. In the end he threatened to stop the doctor who was going in to do the jabs, they had to call the Police in case he turned up!

Bear in mind this man had little to do with us growing up and was deeply pained that his daughter was not "normal", now he is her protector.

I’ve spoken to **about this and she does not seem to have been told anything re contra indications ( like death for example) or anything that she is legally required to be told before injecting her with an experimental gene therapy drug that is not approved.

Please inform me who the surgery is, and who is responsible for issuing the treatment of this non approved treatment to a person diagnosed with learning difficulties ( The reason she is in ** !)

If anything happens to her as a result of this treatment, even if it is several months from now (when the next "covid" season inevitably begins), I will be on their case.

Please do not think they can hide behind the protection given to the drug companies, because they cannot.

Informed Consent is a Legal Requirement for any type of treatment to a human and these drugs are no exception.

They might find it difficult legally to argue that ** is capable of digesting the information that she is legally required to be given, and they might find it even more difficult to prove that they sought informed consent for the first jab, as it is certainly not normal to seek it ( i.e, they break the law all the time)

Please inform them that this is not a frivolous action on my part, I’m deadly serious about these kind of human rights abuses, especially to people who live in protected environments ( who should be protected)

The Covid 19 virus has a 99.75% survival rate, the vaccines are no-where near that efficacy, ( as well as being dangerous) and so are totally useless, there is no need for them whatsoever.

All the Covid death figures are manipulated lies to scare people into taking these deadly gene altering drugs.

The disclosure to the public is on its way, and soon we will all learn about the drug company hidden agendas in collusion with corrupt governments around the world who as we speak are starting to be taken to court over this scam.

You think I’m joking ?

Just wait and see what’s about to be exposed !
Update from the madhouse.

The DVLA are chasing him hard for payment of his car tax and associated fine for non payment on one of his vehicles (1 of 3). He's told them he didn't enter into a contract with them so wont be paying the fine or taxing his vehicles.
He's driving around in his Continental, E-Type and SL500 with no insurance, no tax and on cloned plates, not been pulled yet but a matter of time.

Best one so far is the replacement of his energy meters, I reported him 10 days ago and got a call today asking for more information, they've visited and were denied access, they will push again but likelihood is a court warrant or him being cut off at the supply outside.

He will be the victim in all of this, always has been. I fully expect him to be in a newspaper soon.
@drew how’s this going?

Also a question for the wider audience? Further to my story above, I’m now concerned that the group my mother is involved with are coercing her into wilfully handing over her life savings. Are there any charities, agencies, people… anyone that can provide advice to families on how to handle this?
The net is closing, several agencies are writing to him to make him pay up, he's used a variety of excuses like moved, he's dead or that person doesn't exist.

If this was all above board as he says, why the need to lie....?

I came across this crook this week, organised theft of energy -
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He's on the police radar, problem is his stolen registration numbers are legally registered to other cars, so standard ANPR wont pick him up yet.
Brilliant, explains your Dad -

Also do what I did just de register the car from DVLA and drive it under common law.
You then don’t need tax Mot insurance or a license. The insurance part I’ll never drive without though.
The roads have always been free to travel on as long as you’re traveling and not driving…..there’s a big difference between the two.
You can’t use dvla registration number plates though….get private plates or drive with no plates at all.

That place is a goldmine.
I just found him, he's in that group.
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