Freeman of the Land / Bonkers Theories

19 Mar 2005
Bill Gates, microchips
That whole theory started when he wanted to create a malaria vaccine that was able to be detected in people who weren’t able to access health care that registered vaccines electronically, place that malaria was prevalent.

If I recall idea was based on a sort ot dye or tag that was viewable to stop double vaccinations.

I really despise these people that create and promote CT’s.

My father has always been a narcissistic c word but this has given him some bizarre toxic energy that consumes his life and those around him. He genuinely believes that he is superior to people who are unable to “step out of the dark into the light”…. Verbatim.
Imagine a narcissist who gobbles up every bizarre CT, their inability to backdown from a wrong position forces them deeper.

If it wasn’t for the business I’d have cut him from my life years ago.
19 Mar 2005
Well, today was a bad day.

I've had to attend the police station with my wife to report him for making a threat in an email under the Malicious Communications Act, this followed from the guidance of our company solicitor who was in receipt of said email.

He's now got involved with his partners (terrible bookkeeper) compromise agreement and increased it from 15k to 24k last week, then today in two hours he on her emails hiked it up to 30k. He's sent emails from her account to our solicitor pretending to be her with blackmail and extortion threats on a personal and business level, even threatening our solicitor.

Essentially we were clearing house and she had agreed to retire (verbal agreement in writing) if she got 15k as she said she was going to retire at the end of the year anyway.

On Friday he received all of the purchase documents, SPA, transfer forms, board resolution. Totally lost it and said that unless it's in plain English he wont sign due to legalise language that he and his box of frog crew don't accept.

I might write this up one day as a guide to read the warning signs when choosing a business partner.

My accountant and solicitor say they have never seen anything or anyone like it in all their years, i'm starting to feel special LOL.

It's a bizarre world we live in.
19 Mar 2005
Not as simple as that, we're market leaders in the UK.

I'd rather move to the states (AZ) where we have family desperate for us to go there.

I just feel sorry for the staff.
19 Mar 2005
We’re looking at a mental health assessment from afar by using gathered texts, emails and written statements from staff.

At this point we will get guidance as to whether we have a case for removal as a director under mental health grounds, then we engage with a specialist legal team who then start the process.

He’s essentially said she will take “his” company to a tribunal and that our case is so flimsy that they will ask for our solicitor to be censured and threatened him as such. The strange thing is we have an entirely separate legal team that look after our Employment issues.

if you allowed it to get that far, you might well end up being censured by the Judge for wasting Court time.
And of course, you will lose the case
I have a remedy for you to get you and your client off the hook.

Reputations are at stake here, so I would advise you to advise your client wisely.

They are suggesting there are bundles of emails as "evidence" to prove wrongdoing, shame there isn't, unless it's been fabricated and at this stage I wouldn't put it past them.

I’ll try and you all you posted, this is definitely popcorn worthy, especially if the police knock on his door and he tries his Freeman methods.
19 Mar 2005
So his partner is now suing his business for unfair dismissal as per the email that was sent today which was clearly sent by him.

If you're struggling to keep up then don't worry about it, i'm struggling to comprehend the craziness too.
19 Mar 2005
It's over, yesterday he was bought out of the two companies. We ended up paying about 50% of the EBITDA valuation due to his masterful negotiation skills.

I had to resign my positions in the end to force his hand, when he found out 25% of the staff were also leaving his partner (looks to be a key in all the business related stuff) panicked and told him to accept the deal that was on offer. General feeling is she is going to fleece him.

Lots has happened in the last 6 weeks, I really need to write all this down as a number of professionals have told me its the worst case of a family business fall out they have ever seen.

Even to the end his madness was evident, for example he couldn't remember what colour pen he needed to use for the Share Purchase Agreement document so had to consult with his "lawyer". He started to educate our accountants Tax advisor on how he will not be paying tax.

Anyway, I/we need to move on.

Thanks all that showed an interest, if i do get anything written down i'll come back and share it.
19 Mar 2005
The reality is hitting home with him now, he didn't negotiate his mobile phone numbers so has demanded the PAC codes today for himself and his partner.

First reply to our Ops Director:
I’ll give it 30 minutes
If we do not get the PAC codes by then
I will cause massive upset by turning up unexpected and blasting the **** out of him It will not be pretty I’m sick and tired of his pathetic petty attitude It’s NOT acceptable on any level

Second reply when informed the police will be called if he attempts to gain access and a request for 14.5k to release them (this is approx the amount he extorted from the company just prior to him leaving)
Do you think thats going to stop me
He’s a ******* pratt, and its cost him dear.
The Policy Officers do not scare me.
We want our numbers back
They have NO right to demand any money for them
I'll check the legal situation on this
He needs his ******* head sorting !!

The "Policy" offices was a deliberate typo.
19 Mar 2005
Are the handsets and the numbers registered on a business account to the business? If so neither belong to him, that's pretty much the 'legal situation' for him.

If the business owns the handsets & the numbers then the Ops director could spin this and request that the handsets (company property) be returned or else it's theft.
Reporting that theft to the network would suspend the number and place the handsets on the IMEI blacklist, making them worthless slabs of glass & plastic.

The whole lot is the companies, we didn't pursue the new iPhones, Macbooks or iMacs as he was unhinged over the whole deal as it was. I kept the whole phone thing up my sleeve as I didn't want to draw attention to any potential issues as now I can have some fun with him.

Essentially he's just tried to extract as much money and inflict as much pain as he could without thinking about some of the necessary things in life that he needs.

We also have trawled through his WORK emails and can show he has defrauded the company with his partner by creating a false compromise agreement between her and the business when they were told they didn't have a leg to stand on to extract 30k tax free. She retired then argued I had sacked her with zero evidence.
19 Mar 2005
"Blasting the *** out of him"

I hope he hasn't got a shotgun or anything? If he's gone down the rabbit hole of survivalism?

Might be worth informing the police before he turns up

The Police have been forwarded the emails against a previous complaint reference for threatening behaviour. If he does show up there will be no shortage of footage.
19 Mar 2005
I'd be tempted to request the return of the handsets as they are company property then let him complete a transfer of ownership for the account. Sure he gets the number but he would also then be liable for the reminder of the contract term including monthly payments and have no phone to use the sim card

Vindictive me would just call the operator and have the phones blacklisted. If I had remote access, doing a full factory wipe just prior...

As for his partner, invite them to begin an unfair dismissal case. She'll lose but then the fraud will be out in the open....

we have it on his emails that he’s colluded with his partner to defraud the business of 34k in
a fictional dismissal case. I have a good mind to have a strongly worded solicitor letter demanding the return of the funds, it’s tax evasion pure and simple, all done while I was on holiday.
19 Mar 2005
I thought i'd provide an update on the barminess.

He's now received two fines, one for non paying of car tax plus a speeding fine that he intentionally got on a average speed area...
He has written back to the DVLA saying no one of that name is at that address as he's changed his name.
In the same letter he's also detailed how he will win in court effectively highlighting he is the person they seek.

He has three cars all untaxed, checked online. His latest one is that this weird group he is part of will insure his cars for just £250 and that if there is a claim its paid from the money allocated at birth....

He has also stated he will be removing his gas meter and electric meter as he "knows someone" that will do it for you. Apparently according to these nutters our utility bills are only for the rental of the meters so hes removing them and sending them back....

We'll be keeping an eye on the local magistrates with popcorn, it wont be long.
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19 Mar 2005
Unfortunately he’s gone so far down the rabbit hole that even when he’s in prison or has no money, he will be telling who ever will listen, as well as himself, that he is owed xyz and will soon have it.

I’m sorry you are going through this. I would try and take him for everything he owns, as he’s going to lose it anyway.
I have the business, that's all i wanted from that idiot.

Is it too early to order the popcorn?

I'm not sure if tampering with electricity/gas meters is a criminal offence, but I can quite see the distribution networks disconnecting him before the meter or something when he's caught doing it, assuming he doesn't blow himself up or set fire to the house first.

Yes its a criminal offence. Expect to see lots of this in the news in the next 12 months for obvious reasons.
19 Mar 2005

Since your posts I had a form come into our Department at our Trust and even my Lawyer boss couldn't work it out so sent it to the Trust Solicitors in Brum to make their way through it.
The Courts threw it out but it goes to show what some people believe.

It's truly astonishing, at the height of covid "he" claimed that most of the worlds leaders are going to be hung for treason and genocide.
19 Mar 2005
What what what what what what what? [/Neddie]

Does that mean he displays a CLC number plate instead of a real one?

Oh they don't mess about with non payment of council tax, looking forward to hearing what comes of this.
That's correct, I've asked for photo evidence from my mate.

My other mate is a senior magistrate, so that could be seriously funny.
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