French fire bombers target British immigrants

18 Oct 2002
French fire bombers hit 'invaders' from Britain

Fears are mounting of a summer campaign of violence against British expats by extremists in Brittany.

Three English-owned homes in the region have been attacked in recent weeks.

In one incident, vandals torched a family's car parked outside their cottage in the village of Callac.

Another British-owned car was set alight in a nearby village, and a home was broken into and ransacked on the same night.

In all three attacks, thugs also pelted the homes with eggs.

Afterwards, a source in the regional capital, Rennes, revealed that anti-terrorist agents for the Renseignements Generaux intelligence service have been monitoring known Breton nationalist groups in western Brittany.

One such group, the Armee Breton Revolutionnaire, was in the past linked to the IRA.

The thousands of Britons buying cheap rural homes into Britanny over the past ten years have sent property prices soaring. Many locals complain they can no longer afford to get on the property ladder.

Just two years ago, the entire Brittany village of Bourbriac staged a mass protest at the British 'invaders'.

Their complaints include that the newcomers do not integrate into the community, sponge off the generous French welfare state and hire cowboy English builders for renovation work, rather than local tradesmen.

I sympathise with the French in this case. They do not want immigrants spoiling their country or changing their culture. I wonder if we will see a similar reaction to Polish immigration in Britain.



9 Apr 2004
I feel as strongly about this as I do about immigrants in this country. I will often quote enclaves in Spain as a similarity.

Good on the French at least they seem to have the to do something about it.

If you move to a country you should only move if you want to embrace that culture and lifestyle - otherwise why move there?

I would love to move to rural France as I love the attitude to life that they have and would happily embrace both it and the language.
13 Mar 2006
If you move to a country you should only move if you want to embrace that culture and lifestyle
yeah, fair enough, but firebombing their cars ffs??!

Their complaints include that the newcomers do not integrate into the community, sponge off the generous French welfare state and hire cowboy English builders for renovation work, rather than local tradesmen.
Well very often Brits abroad get conned by local French tradesman, so can you really blame them? And besides, it's their property, they have the right to hire who they want. The point about integration stands though - I do think if you move abroad you should have the decency to integrate.

I do sympathise to an extent, but this kind of action cannot be justified.



9 Apr 2004
Well very often Brits abroad get conned by local French tradesman, so can you really blame them? And besides, it's their property, they have the right to hire who they want.

I am sure a lot of immigrants in Britain could say the same and will use the same justification. Does not make it right.

And in regards to taking actions to defend your way of life we (britain) are doing far far worse things than firebombing a couple of cars.
28 Feb 2004
I would tend to say that we in Britain are not doing nearly enough things like this to defend our way of life.

If more people did stand up, and be counted in support of Britishness, maybe we, as a country, would not be seen as such a soft touch.

I agree entirely that whoever, moves to a new and different culture, should immediately forgo all connections to their old culture and fully embrace the new one, language, dress style, education, everything, even to the point of changing your religion if the main one in the country you are going to is different to yours.

If you do not want to do any this then, quite simply, don't move, or move to a country that has the same beliefs and culture etc as the one you are moving from.
Man of Honour
24 Sep 2005
From simply reading the quote it appears the French do have it tough due to the house price increase - I would say this was worse than the immigration effects in Britain, but please lets not change the topic ;)

Its hardly an excuse to firebomb a car - does anyone in here actually admire these actions, or is it simply admiring the willingness to confront?
18 Oct 2002
Nitefly said:
Its hardly an excuse to firebomb a car - does anyone in here actually admire these actions, or is it simply admiring the willingness to confront?
What would you have them do instead - write a letter to their MP? Vote in an internet petition? ;)
Man of Honour
24 Sep 2005
dirtydog said:
What would you have them do instead - write a letter to their MP? Vote in an internet petition? ;)
If it was something I was passionate about, I would join a relevent political party, campagne, raise more public awareness, form petitions etc.

The fact you imply it is reasonable to use force, when combined with your political viewpoints, is frightening to be honest.
6 Mar 2007
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24 Jul 2003
M0t0r0la said:

The Daily Mail really is the biggest pile of tripe ever !
YaY to exaggeration!! Fire 'BOMBERS' !

One car is 'torched' and the other attacks consist of eggs being thrown :p Yeah this is hard core campaign of violence just like the headline implys :rolleyes:
Some people really do read some utter crap journalism!!

Please try to read the article before pouring your disdainful scorn all over it as it will save you from enbarrassing and gaping errors in your post.

Here it is again:

Three English-owned homes in the region have been attacked in recent weeks.

In one incident, vandals torched a family's car parked outside their cottage in the village of Callac.

Another British-owned car was set alight in a nearby village, and a home was broken into and ransacked on the same night.

In all three attacks, thugs also pelted the homes with eggs.

edit: I see you've now removed the rant ;)
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6 Mar 2007
VIRII said:
Please try to read the article before pouring your disdainful scorn all over it as it will save you from enbarrassing and gaping errors in your post.

Here it is again:

Three English-owned homes in the region have been attacked in recent weeks.

In one incident, vandals torched a family's car parked outside their cottage in the village of Callac.

Another British-owned car was set alight in a nearby village, and a home was broken into and ransacked on the same night.

In all three attacks, thugs also pelted the homes with eggs.

It's early and I didn't read it properly. However I find it funny you beleive stuff you read in the Daily Mail. Everyone knows the paper is a complete joke.

3 attacks :eek: Now that’s a massive campaign of terror, also what’s to say that the incidents are not related what-so-ever, I see no evidence to convince me that they are :rolleyes: Also it says the cars where set alight, so where are the fire 'BOMBERS' :rolleyes: Usual Daily Mail utter crap inaccurate sensationalism reporting no doubt!!
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13 Jan 2004
South East
My parents live in South West France and have completely embraced the culture. They don't have any English friends out there (only local french, mostly bar owners in my dads case :p) They pay French taxes and everything. That is ok isn't it?
4 May 2004
NE England
M0t0r0la said:
It's early and I didn't read it properly. However I find it funny you beleive stuff you read in the Daily Mail. Everyone knows the paper is a complete joke.

3 attacks :eek: Now thats a massive campain of terror, also whats to say that the incidents are not related what-so-ever, I see no evidence to convince me that they are :rolleyes:
Ahh the good old Ad-Dailymailium logical argument :rolleyes:
24 Jul 2003
M0t0r0la said:
It's early and I didn't read it properly. However I find it funny you beleive stuff you read in the Daily Mail. Everyone knows the paper is a complete joke.

3 attacks :eek: Now thats a massive campain of terror, also whats to say that the incidents are not related what-so-ever, I see no evidence to convince me that they are :rolleyes:

The irony of your post claiming the daily mail is inaccurate and full of it is hysterical though :)

"everyone knows the paper is a complete joke" ..... really? Got evidence for this? Given that you spouted off a completely farcical rant at a paper for allegedly misrepresenting the truth with a wildly inaccurate and poorly understood version of what they actually printed are you really the best person to declare what is and what is not a joke?
18 Oct 2002
ScarySquirrel said:
My parents live in South West France and have completely embraced the culture. They don't have any English friends out there (only local french, mostly bar owners in my dads case :p) They pay French taxes and everything. That is ok isn't it?
You'd have to ask the French; theirs is the only opinion that matters as it is their country :)
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