French fire bombers target British immigrants

M0t0r0la said:
3 attacks :eek: Now that’s a massive campaign of terror, also what’s to say that the incidents are not related what-so-ever, I see no evidence to convince me that they are :rolleyes: Also it says the cars where set alight, so where are the fire 'BOMBERS' :rolleyes: Usual Daily Mail utter crap inaccurate sensationalism reporting no doubt!!

I think the fact that british cars and homes were targetted and the egging that they received after being trashed might be something of a link.....

Incidentally a firebomb us used to firebomb a vehicle and people who firebomb vehicles are called firebombers or arsonists.
I think your sheer desperation to make a "point" about the daily mail has led you to rant, rave, scream, become hysterical and to generally fall foul of everything of which you accuse the paper.
Your excuse is that "everyone knows its a joke paper". That argument is just so slaying.
VIRII said:
The irony of your post claiming the daily mail is inaccurate and full of it is hysterical though :)

"everyone knows the paper is a complete joke" ..... really? Got evidence for this? Given that you spouted off a completely farcical rant at a paper for allegedly misrepresenting the truth with a wildly inaccurate and poorly understood version of what they actually printed are you really the best person to declare what is and what is not a joke?

If you cannot see the paper is a joke with hidden agendas then you never will!
You stick with your Mail and I'll continue to read real journalism in the Times, Telegraph and Independent :p

''Incidentally a firebomb us used to firebomb a vehicle and people who firebomb vehicles are called firebombers or arsonists.''

Only by ignorant people/reporters their is no such thing as a petrol/fire BOMB :rolleyes: It's a totally innacurate discription used for Molotov cocktails. Ask any expert in the field, anyways I'm being pedantic now.

Fact of the matter is you think The Daily Mail is a great accurate piece of unbiased reporting, I however thing it's the complete opposite, lets just leave it at that ;)
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the brits go there to retire , they dont help the french at all

polish come here and do the crap work that crap brits dont want to do

dunno why you compare them in the OP

i agree with viiriis post too about it been over the top , theres cars on the estate up the road torched every week but it doesnt make front page news as fire "bombing" :p
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M0t0r0la said:
If you cannot see the paper is a joke with hidden agendas then you never will!
You stick with your Mail and I'll continue to read real journalism in the Times, Telegraph and Independent :p
Do you think that the Times and Telegraph have never published articles strongly opposed to immigration and multiculturalism?
M0t0r0la said:
If you cannot see the paper is a joke with hidden agendas then you never will!
You stick with your Mail and I'll continue to read real journalism in the Times, Telegraph and Independent :p

Is that supposed to be some sort of intelligent debate?
If you read the broadsheets regularly couldn't we expect some of their fine grammar and spelling to rub off on you?
I have a sneaking feeling that you've never bought a newspaper in your life. Tell me, do you think "everyone knows the paper is a joke" and "If you cannot see the paper is a joke with hidden agendas then you never will" is the sort of thing that the Times would publish as a bit of journalistic commentary or editorial or would they present a slightly more reasoned and thought out argument.
As a regular reader of the Times and Telegraph I am sure you can tell me :)
M0t0r0la said:
If you cannot see the paper is a joke with hidden agendas then you never will!
You stick with your Mail and I'll continue to read real journalism in the Times, Telegraph and Independent :p

ALL papers have hidden agendas, that is why you should read all of them, and take all that they say with a pinch of salt.
Entai said:
ALL papers have hidden agendas, that is why you should read all of them, and take all that they say with a pinch of salt.
In fact the Mail's agenda isn't 'hidden' anyway, and why would it be? :) Their agenda is nothing to be ashamed of.
andy said:
the brits go there to retire , they dont help the french at all

polish come here and do the crap work that crap brits dont want to do

dunno why you compare them in the OP

LOL - the brits that go there spend a helluva lot of money over there, that basically props up the French economy in rural areas. The Poles just take money out of our economy.

I know they're both technically immigration, but I'd much rather have immigrants who come over here, buy our decrepid houses and do them up, and injecting millions of pounds/euros into our economy, than unskilled immigrants pushing the price of labour down at the bottom end.
dirtydog said:


what do you think they do while here then ?

scorza said:
pushing the price of labour down at the bottom end.

people seem to think these crap jobs only magically existed when th epolish moved here , theyve alway sbee around and always been such crap pay , thats why no english person wants to do them
the brits go there to retire , they dont help the french at all

Actually a fair number in Brittany are commuting into London due to the low cost of air fairs these days.

As DD pointed out the reason why they are there is irrelevant, it is their behaviour, attitude and effect of their presence which is important.
andy said:
what do you think they do while here then ?
They work (mostly). They do not do 'the jobs we refuse to do' though. Most 'crap' jobs are done by natives. Any suggestion otherwise is pro-immigration propaganda propagated by the mass media.
Zip said:
He thinks they all sit in there single bedroom home or garage and sponge off welfare.
No I don't :) But I am not foolish enough to believe that immigrants should be allowed to come here so long as they work, and ignore all of the other factors.

Your government agrees with me, incidentally.
andy said:
people seem to think these crap jobs only magically existed when th epolish moved here , theyve alway sbee around and always been such crap pay , thats why no english person wants to do them

Exactly - we're supposed to have a labour market in the UK. If no-one wants to do your job for min. wage then you're supposed to pay them more, but instead they get around this by getting cheap Polish in. Funny how the people at the top end of the labour market, for example the CEO's who give themselves 100% payrises haven't been affected by cheap eastern-European CEO's flooding the market.
dirtydog said:
Your government agrees with me, incidentally.


Our government allows them in if they have the requirements to fill jobs positions that we have a shortage in.
That can include Good and crap jobs, it depends what we need.

If they are coming here then they will have to work
Zip said:

Our government allows them in if they have the requirements to fill jobs positions that we have a shortage in.
That can include Good and crap jobs, it depends what we need.

If they are coming here then they will have to work
Our government allows anyone in regardless of whether there is a need.
dirtydog said:
Our government allows anyone in regardless of whether there is a need.

Maybe you should start to screen all the immigrants before they get there.

And deport any illegal ones.(AFAIK Italy seem to take a lot of ours :p )

Its how we do it
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