****Fresh random image thread (with rule addition)Every post MUST contain an image!****

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Obviously it's dead you silly people. It's a dead spider, and someone has cut it in half and somehow put that pattern on it. Probably used as some sort of weird taxidermy/ornament thing. :p

To be honest I didn't really want anything as I had bought myself SC2 and most DVDs I was interested in so the Keanu cutout was quite welcome.

The odd looking spider several images back isn't dead - it's meant to look like that. Not the prettiest of creatures by a long way, but the flat, round bum end serves a useful purpose. The spider is a trapdoor spider from the genus Cyclocosmia, and if threatened by a potential predator or parasitic wasp, it plugs the burrow with the flat end of its abdomen, which is thick and resistant to attack/being pierced by the paralysing sting of a parasitic wasp.

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