Friday night head scratcher help :(

Well I give the hell up, sending the CPU back to the seller and motherboard back to gigabyte get this sorted once and for all.

New PSU same problem, fantastic :mad:
Could your faulty Corsair have damaged your mobo?

Is your pump still attached to the pc as you originally thought that was the problem?

So sorry to hear you're still having issues :(
All thats connected is the 24 and 8 pin power connectors, lights on for a second then everything off, fantastic.

I have remembered a multi-meter today so I'm going to jump the PSU and check the readouts from the 12v, 5v & 3.3v on both PSU's.

Is there any way (with a multi-meter) to check the Motherboard?
Well this is REALLY screwed up now.

I just checked the voltage output from both HW1000W and GS800. HX readings first, GS readings second:

3.3v: 3.35v / 3.34v
5v: 5.08v / 5.10v (so much for that faulty 5v eh? maybe trying to trick me into buying a PSU from him!)
+12v: 12.10v / 12.11v
-12v: -11.80v / -11.86v

Now heres the strange part, the motherboard has two 8 pin EPS (Cpu power) outputs, so I thought what the hell I'll plug the second cable in. Now everything powers up APART from the motherboard, everything stays on, the PSU, the GPU is spinning up, the pump is working just nothing on the LED's from the motherboard and no display.

Any ideas? The fault is confusing me more and more by the second :(
Inputs sorry, HX1000W has two EPS outputs :D

Going to try using the 24pin from the GS800 and the EPS connectors from the HX1000W (as in the off there is actually something wrong with the 5v it will only have to output on 12v)
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Next phase of testing I managed to get everything on but no post. Here is what I did.

HX1000W: 2 x 8 pin connected (jumped)
GS800: 24 pin connected

= Nothing, same fault as before.

HX1000W: 1 x 8 pin connected (from other rail thats 12+3.3v, other rail is 12+5v, jumped)
GS800: 24 pin & 1 x 8 pin connected

= Both PSU's stay on, even get some life from the LED readout, just no code, looks like a broken zero with no post, GPU does not spin up.
anychance of posting a pic of the led code? dont think ive ever seen a scrambled message,youd be better off rma'ing the mb straight to gigabyte,chances are they will fix the fault if any or send you a replacement board
The code only appears when I jump the the PSU with a single 8 pin cable connected. I presume as power is then forced to the 8pin it gives the scrambled code as the motherboard its self is not actually running. When I run everything from the HX1000 (including the 2nd EPS connector) everything 'almost' comes on, the motherboard lights go completely out and the PSU keeps running, the fans keep running etc...

The code, I'll try get a pic later, I genuinely feel sick from this now! The Motherboard warranty is 100% through the retailer (OcUK thankfully), though I have messaged GB directly but I don't expect a reply for a good few days.
you might be able to go direct to gigabyte,if the code reaches ff it means its its cycled through the testing phase and reached successfull post
No code I'm now thinking this:

The motherboard has two 8 pin EPS connectors, If I plug one in individually from either rail or PSU its insta-fails. If I plug in two from either rail or PSU everything stays on just no life from motherboard.

GS800 - 1 x 8pin
HX1000 - 1 x 8pin
Power up, scrambled LED code on motherboard, GPU does not spin up. Pressing power button acts as before, GPU/MB lights flash then off again but both PSU's stay on, so the active 8pin from the jumped PSU must be forcing the activity.

HX1000 - 2 x 8pin connected
Power up, nothing on LED, GPU spins up fine

SO the only thing I can see I have left to test to be sure its the motherboard/CPU is to get an adaptor for the GS800 to jig up a 2nd EPS direct from that supply and see what happens?
idk,it should work fine with a single 8pin from either or both psu's,its hard to say whether its the board or the cpu,

take out the cpu,usually when no cpu is installed the board just lights up and stays lit,if that happens then could be cpu,if it shows same symptoms as when the cpu is installed then lookslike the mb

im only guessing though,i think the easiest route to take is rma mb to gigabyte just to be sure,shouldnt take long as they are in milton keynes
Cool, I'm going to remove everything (again) and see what happens, making sure to give the socket and power connectors a good look at.
Right to start from scratch I have just the motherboard, CPU, PSU & 1 stick of memory (tried all 4 for ever thing I tried)

I tried as you said, with no CPU, the same happens with the exception it just loops, only have to hit the power once and that start up shut down keeps happening so its looking like the motherboard. Luckily I got the motherboard from a well known member of staff here and he is helping me figure this one out, if it requires RMA he can do it directly for me with OcUK so no major worry on that part.

Also a picture of the socket pins, I can't see anything wrong but then again I'm not used to looking for bent pins :)

Edit: Also a video of what happens (right click, save as, 19mb .mp4)

Edit: Requested a return under DSR for the CPU, more power then I need, getting a 3820 with some change, hopefully should have the motherboard sorted by that point.
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