I've sorted it! God knows what was happening earlier, removed PSU from case, removed memory, boot>error, added memory boot>fine. Put PSU back in case and it worked.
I followed this process:
Basic first, 24 + 8 Pin, single dimm - boots
Add 2nd dimm, boot, 3rd, boot, 4th, boot
Add on-board connectors (audio, FP, USB etc) boot
Plug in Molex & Sata chain, boot, optical, boot, SSD, boot, HDD, boot
Add GPU boot.
Final thing to do...add the pump into the molex chain! - FAULT FOUND!!!
Add the pump, 2 second switch on then off, remove pump, boots perfectly.
Now I need to do some digging and find why the hell my pump is killing the machine, it only runs a +12v and gnd, so the 12v must be leaking to ground somewhere either in the pump or the pump cabling!
Just tested it a good 10 times in a row, power to pump = system dead, no power to pump = running perfectly.