Friday night head scratcher help :(

Yeah, major components are fine (thankfully)

Just dismantling all the cabling, found a rather suspect looking molex cable used for my fan controller, one of the pins had half come out of the plastic shroud.

Going to get it all back in the case, having just the 24+8pin power connectors in, then one by one add everything else.

Tbh The cables behind the motherboard trey were in such a state it could have been anything, lesson learned on keeping cables tidy.
Might have been an open instead of a short. Main thing is you seem to have conquered the gremlins for the moment at least. :)
What ever it was, it was the motherboard detecting it and forcing the shutdown as disconnecting the motherboard and jumping the PSU I could fire everything up just fine!

Thanks again guys I really appreciate all the help given over the last 24 hours or so. Will keep this thread updated with the re-re-build :p
Short lived joy yet again! Moved the motherboard back into the case, everything unplugged with exception to the 24 & 8 pin power cables, back to square one, wtf is wrong with my case/PSU!!
ohh my,its either the mb flexing and a fractured copper trace inside the pcb or the psu cable/cables broken inside ?
I've sorted it! God knows what was happening earlier, removed PSU from case, removed memory, boot>error, added memory boot>fine. Put PSU back in case and it worked.

I followed this process:

Basic first, 24 + 8 Pin, single dimm - boots
Add 2nd dimm, boot, 3rd, boot, 4th, boot
Add on-board connectors (audio, FP, USB etc) boot
Plug in Molex & Sata chain, boot, optical, boot, SSD, boot, HDD, boot
Add GPU boot.

Final thing to do...add the pump into the molex chain! - FAULT FOUND!!!

Add the pump, 2 second switch on then off, remove pump, boots perfectly.

Now I need to do some digging and find why the hell my pump is killing the machine, it only runs a +12v and gnd, so the 12v must be leaking to ground somewhere either in the pump or the pump cabling!

Just tested it a good 10 times in a row, power to pump = system dead, no power to pump = running perfectly.
get a 12v battery and try and run the pump from that to find out it the fault lies on the connections on the pump check all along the cable to find out if there are any knicks in the wire thus shorting out
Pump runs fine on a spare psu that I use for bleeding. Will test resistance on between the pins tomorrow.
I havent read past 4 pages, but if it hasnt been suggested, I think its gigabayte infamous "boot loop of death" All you need is take out battery or do a thing with your PSU cant remember the order, just google it. Happened to me few times and I heal it by taking out battery for 2 mins... I disabled sleep mode and now its ok.
Thanks for the suggestion lazder but I've narrowed th problem down to being my waterpump of all things. More detective work tonight t see what's wrong with the pump and hope a fix doesn't involve draining my loop...again.
damnit, forgot a multimeter :(

Will have a fiddle tonight, see if there is anything glaringly obvious.

Any theories on why the pump is causing a short welcome. The only things I have thought of so far are:

1. Cable crushed somewhere, or exposed 12v somewhere.
2. Pump has leaked into the motor (unlikely, using non-conductive fluid)
3. The rail the pump is on is just too much for the PSU (again unlikely, iirc I have 40A on each 12v rail).
I am doing just now, had some more teething problems earlier without the pump connected to anything, but I've got it up and running now with the pump running from an old PSU. I've also checked the BIOS version, its F8, according to GB I need F9 or above for a 3960X to be stable.

I'm still a little curious if my PSU is on its last legs, may have an ask about on the MM if anyone has a ~650w PSU I can borrow for a few days
OK up and running with windows installed, now getting random power cuts on it, think its time to ask about to borrow a PSU.

It's as if someone is ripping the power cable out of the back :/
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