bought the Titan 8200i Spinosaur" Intel Core i5 2500K 3.40GHz @ 4.40GHz DDR3 Quad Core in april 2012 and now its fried non operational,contacted overclockers about this and & they are taking no blame over this which has been confirmed by silicon in edinburgh that its a build fault,i would fully expect a refund or replacement built computer no matter what even out of warranty period,if it had been another appliance it would surely be replaced if fault was discovered with build fault yes ? so overclockers build u a system put a wire in the wrong place causing overheating problems & burning out cpu & gpu and they dont want to know ???? is it a scam or what ? my comp has lasted till now but its eventually burnt out over time,so if it lasts over the warranty period then thats fine is it ?? i dont care if its 10 years old if its been assembled wrong in the first place then it up to overclockers to sort this mess out