Fruit identification help needed.

Yep, Mirabelle plums, we have a few trees in the high street. They're absolutely delicious when ripe. Most people don't know what they are and will look at you funny if they see you taking them off the trees and eating them.

Theres a cherry plum where I work keep meaning to pick them off that theres enough for a crumble at least no-one will touch them they don't know what they are. Was working at someones place once and picked and ate a very ripe fig off a fig tree and someone looked at me horrified and basically said "WTF is that?!". Lovely.
That’s the paralysis from the toxins setting in.

I remember as a teen going scrumping, aka jumping over peoples back garden fences and raiding their apple/plum/pear trees:D

crab apples though :(

BTW if you didn't know "wild cherry trees" are also a thing in the UK, some are even on little strips of council land next to main roads.

hardly anyone notices them and they are edible cherries, they don't even seem to be all that rare
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