Fuel price discussion thread (was ‘chaos’)

Amateurs! The Range Rover hold 105L of diesel meaning it is now over £200 to fill if I run it to empty. The McLaren manual says I have a 72L fuel tank but I've never managed to get more than 60L in it, even when the range is showing "---" so I just scrape in under the £99 pay at pump limit most of the time.
I'm temped to sell both of my cars, buy an eco banger and just give up cars as a hobby. EVs are already killing car culture anyway.

I suspect now that oil companies are getting away with these prices they are going to keep it there. The government cut fuel tax but they just take it as profit instead. Same with gas/electricity.
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I'm temped to sell both of my cars, buy an eco banger and just give up cars as a hobby. EVs are already slowly killing it off anyway.

I suspect now that oil companies are getting away with these prices they are going to keep it there. The government cut fuel tax but they just take it as profit instead. Same with gas/electricity.

Driving vehicles which get 26.5-30MPG, at current prices never mind if they increase I've come to the realisation I can cover the finance and fuel on something decently economical (50-60MPG) on the journeys I don't need a specific vehicle :( better than just 100% of the money going out the exhaust pipe (even though in terms of monthly out goings I won't be any better off, possibly a little worse).

I tend to drive my pickup a lot just because I like driving it when over half the journeys it doesn't really matter what I'm driving - at £160 a tank and with a bit of luck that lasts me a week that maths just isn't working any more :s
Weirdly around here they seem to be trying to stay below 200.00 while the local places seem to be playing 1p games to try and beat the competition. It is almost comical how they are shuffling the 19x.xx price points up and down.
They finally upped the pump limit at our garage from 99 to 120, I thought great, I won't have to do two transactions, and I didn't but only just, they're going to have to up it more, £120 for 60 litres is a reality I never really thought would happen.
They finally upped the pump limit at our garage from 99 to 120, I thought great, I won't have to do two transactions, and I didn't but only just, they're going to have to up it more, £120 for 60 litres is a reality I never really thought would happen.
I never knew fuel pumps had a price limit on them
WOW https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/oth...sedgntp&cvid=ecfdbb8c5287494abc407c413490e02b
Drivers will be charged a £100 deposit when they go to fill their cars at Tesco and Sainsbury's Pay at Pump machines. The money will be taken out of drivers' accounts the moment a card is put into the machine before the petrol station works out the correct fee after the tank is topped up.

Motorists will then see money refunded into their accounts minus what they owed for the fuel payment.

Tesco previously used a £1 authorisation fee, but this will be replaced for the new £99 deposit.
Weirdly around here they seem to be trying to stay below 200.00 while the local places seem to be playing 1p games to try and beat the competition. It is almost comical how they are shuffling the 19x.xx price points up and down.
Yes definitely seeing that here. 198.9 to 199.9 is the norm. Only the local village garage which has always been expensive has happily gone over £2 a litre with no ***** given.
Yes definitely seeing that here. 198.9 to 199.9 is the norm. Only the local village garage which has always been expensive has happily gone over £2 a litre with no ***** given.

Even the little village garages around here are pegged at 199.99 which is weird - they are usually 3-5p above the supermarkets, etc. nowhere around here seems to want to breach the £2 mark for some reason though I suspect it is coming.
supermarkets don't want the stigma/bad publicity of selling above psychological £2/litre, hence their reticence (bbc aticle linked earlier)

I tend to drive my pickup a lot just because I like driving it when over half the journeys it doesn't really matter what I'm driving
if you need the load space, even occasionally I see the attraction, but otherwise not sure I understand that pleasure, with the driving dynamics and inertia the weight confers;
additional lateral visibility from the high driving - ok, also I guess if you have site footware/clothing the interior is more hardwaring/practical than a saloon.
driving must need more concentration too (overtake videos you posted), like driving an HGV

ok - another benefit
  • > Pickup road tax is £275 for 2021/2022
  • > Pickup benefit-in-kind is around £58.33 per month at the 20% BIK rate or £116.67 per month at 40% BIK rate
There are exceptions to this for double-cab pickups that can’t carry a 1,000kg payload (or 1,040kg if fitted with a hardtop over the load area);
It could be worse. :eek:

Oh, and anyone driving in Stoke-on-Trent today, get ready for some major traffic jams. Because as anyone around here knows, due to the layout of the conurbation, a minor traffic problem in Baddeley Green can cause a major tailback in Trentham. So a go slow on one of the busienst roads is going to cause chaos this morning.

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