Anyway... a more useful comparison of 65 mph against my usual cruising speed over the distance of my actual journey gives a time difference of a more substantial 37 minutes.
As for the efficiency of my car at 55 or 60 mph that is pretty irrelevant as I don't want to spend hours of my life sandwiched between 44 Ton trucks who seem to think that their braking distance is 1/3 of that of a car.
Apologies for the off topic...
I'll put some figures for you then to look at which figures reflecting the costs.
If at 70mph you get 50 mpg, then 300 miles costs £42 at £7 per gallon.
If at 60mph you get 60 mpg, then 300 miles costs £35 at £7 per gallon.
Travelling 10mph (70 vs 60) slower for every 100 miles is 15 minutes, and using the 300 miles above that is 45 min extra travel time with £7 saved, or about £9.33 per hour assuming fuel prices don't go up. I'm not suggesting going 60 mph just an illustration of the cost vs earning ratio, as fuel prices go up that difference goes up.
***If you input real figures then you'll get a good idea of what the per hour price you are paying.***
You can do the maths for 75-80mph.