Fuel price discussion thread (was ‘chaos’)

For the first time in years I've started to smell chips shops when getting passed by white vans. I guess we'll be smelling a lot more used vegi oil on the roads !
Bicycle? be a 20 minute ride.

I’d say half hour depending on the terrain and how fast you walk. But buying a bike would be a better bet, or even a elec scooter.

Yeah you should definitely get an electric scooter as mentioned already :)

Yeah I have a bike, will be an option. Also have an ebike on order. Though it will take years to regain that cost in fuel savings. :cry:
Yea.. he should buy an elec scooter. Especially as they are illegal to use in public. What a wonderful idea.

I’ve seen people with ones with seats on riding them past police. Never noticed any being stopped tbh. We have electric scooters here in the city I’m in, pay and ride type.
I’ve seen people with ones with seats on riding them past police. Never noticed any being stopped tbh. We have electric scooters here in the city I’m in, pay and ride type.

Doesnt stop them being illegal. Police just cba to deal with it.

Cities, some have hire ones, which are part of a scheme.
Prepare yourselves for actual chaos coming soon I'd think, $139 for a barrel of BC this mornings spike, 20% higher than settlement price on Friday just gone.

I'd honestly say if you are running low/medium topping up can only be a good thing, garage near me that was £1.59l the other day is now £1.63l, and that was up from £1.48l previously in the week.
My village garage announced they had taken delivery of new stock before the price increase so happy to announce their prices are £1.59 all week for super unleaded. I went and filled all my cars up and all my petrol cans at the weekend. Will be a long time again before I pay £1.59 for super unleaded.
I drove past an Esso garage in Southampton yesterday that had diesel at around £1.65 a litre and petrol at around £1.52 a litre. Quite possibly the largest price gap I've seen between diesel and petrol. Yet the Sainsburys not too far away had diesel at £1.56 a litre but I didn't notice the price of petrol, just that they had no unleaded or super unleaded available. So either people are at it again, or the Sainsburys petrol was cheaper than anywhere else but I would expect diesel to be cleared out first.
with lordrobs comments on being tailgated by lorries if he drives economically, slipstreaming them maybe more economic&safe - a protective shield, as opposed to someone who will go into the back of you (if your tyre blows, a deer runs out ???)

Looks like we need to get OPEC to open the taps and make up for the missing russian barrels .... remind saudi arabia that they wouldn't be executing a rigteous action in Yemen if it wasn't for UK armaments - what a tangled web

I believe that's already been requested and they've opened them ever so slightly, but not enough to cut Russia out of the picture. With Russia being a key player in OPEC i don't know if they all have an agreement to only supply/raise prices together.
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