Picked this up earlier:
Initial impressions are good, the auto focus system is definitely an improvement although still not as fast as my D800/D810 but it does now focus drastically better in low light.
It's insanely responsive, I can't even describe how responsive it is I'm using UHSII cards at 150mb/s.
The EVF isn't as good as the X-T1 it feels a little washed out indoors but isn't nearly as grainy, it's fantastic in daylight however you do notice the size difference.
Really happy so far, If anyone has any tests they'd like doing let me know and I'll do my best, I'll post some sample shots after I've hopped across the pond tomorrow.
For an idea on RAW sizes:
128GB card
5400 Compressed RAW's
2500 Uncompressed RAW's
9999 Fine JPG's
RAW Buffer size at 8fps is around 25 shots and writes out in around 10 seconds.
RAW Buffer size at 4fps is around 40 shots and writes out in around 10 seconds
JPG Buffer size at 8fps is like a gatling gun and just never ends... I tried for around 300 shots and it just kept going and writes out in around 10 seconds.....
Just done a quick test against my D810 with 24-70 and I can confirm the X-Pro2 with 35mm f/2 does indeed have night vision and can see in the dark I'm totally astonished, as the D810 hunts (even on group). the X-Pro gets a lock with ease without the usual expected red box of doom.