
Hi peeps

He didn't come back today, i have got one of those signs that says CCTV in operation above my front door and stuck one of those dome camera (minus the camera) above the door, makes it look nice and real :D

Oh and to people on this thread that are wondering if i pay tax, i do declare it but i don't get enough each year to warrant paying anything.

Thanks for the update.

If this thread has shown me one thing it's that [*thread derail alert!*] the government has manipulated people quite nicely.

How many people have immediately jumped upon the OP to ask if and how much tax he pays...questioning any answers he gives etc.

It's pathetic, direct your ire at the mega corporations instead. How many of you raging use Vodaphone, shop at Play (before they changed their business model), buy at Amazon, drink at Starbucks, use Google, use Facebook etc.

Ah well...never mind, easier to lynch the little guy.

[*derail over*]
I think some people were approaching more from a matter of 'be careful you don't drop yourself in the **** bigtime' rather than 'get him he didn't pay £50 of tax that he should have' :p
I don't care about the hostile phone thief who is threatening you and could potentially cause physical harm to you/property and seems to be attempting to scam you with the use of questionable items that may be stolen...pay your taxes!

I agree with Cheese, honestly I don't think the op has come on to be lectured with regards to their taxes whatever they may be and it's not our place to ask for that information.

I hope your problem with the guy does get sorted, if you do have a second encounter I would attempt to contact the police so that they can deal with him.
Thanks for the update.

If this thread has shown me one thing it's that [*thread derail alert!*] the government has manipulated people quite nicely.

How many people have immediately jumped upon the OP to ask if and how much tax he pays...questioning any answers he gives etc.

It's pathetic, direct your ire at the mega corporations instead. How many of you raging use Vodaphone, shop at Play (before they changed their business model), buy at Amazon, drink at Starbucks, use Google, use Facebook etc.

Ah well...never mind, easier to lynch the little guy.

[*derail over*]

Yeah, I agree, a sad state to be in.
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