On 8 November 2006 Nvidia wants to present the next diagram chip generation Geforce 8. The PC WORLD could examine now the first reference maps with the Geforce 8800 GTX and the Geforce 8800 GTS.
(Taipei, Taiwan) Nvidia delivered the first reference maps with the Direct-X-10-Grafikchip Geforce 8800 GTX as well as the small brother Geforce 8800 GTS to the taiwanesischen partners. The PC WORLD was locally, in order to win a first impression from the new superchips to.
According to our sources of information, which can test the Geforce 8 for two days, the Geforce 8800 GTX approximately 30 per cent is faster than ATIs current flagship Radeon X1950 XTX (test). The 3D-Leistung of the Geforce 8800 GTS again is to be on the level of the ATI Topmodells. It is to be however assumed the 3D-Leistung will still rise, if Nvidia optimizes the Forceware driver for the Geforce-8-Familie in the next months.
Besides the percentage figures refer to 3D-Anwendungen under Direct X 9. Still more 3D-Leistung might offer the Geforce-8-Familie with plays, which support Direct X 10. One the first Direct-X-10-Spiele are for example the Ego Shooter Crysis (picture gallery), announced to the turn of the year.
Monster map: Which with the top model Geforce 8800 GTX in the eye stings immediately is the oversize PCB (printed Circuit board) with a length of full 260 millimeters. Likewise remarkably it is wuchtige radiator box, which accommodates two heat pipes (Heatpipes) and which map weight drives on over 800 gram.
Besides the GTX flagship possesses power connections equal two 6polige. This is emergency little, because the diagram map under full load up to 200 Watts verb-guesses/advises. Therefore Nvidia for the stable enterprise prescribes also at least a 450-Watt-Netzteil, which supplies on the 12-Volt-Leitung at least 30 ampere (Geforce 8800 GTS: 400 Watt/26 ampere).
Nevertheless the Geforce-8800-GTX-Referenzkarte gets along with an air cooling, which works amazingly quietly. And despite the high current consumption the Topmodell does not become during operation hot so, as we would have expected for such a diagram map monster.
The complexity of Nvidias Geforce-8-Generation exceeds all GPUs (Graphic processing unit), which came so far on the market: No less than 700 million circuits werkeln in the diagram chip. To the comparison: ATIs top model Radeon X1950 XTX are available with 384 million only approximately half at transistors.
The unbelievable complexity lies in the architecture justified, which completely again developed Nvidia. With the Geforce 8 it acts around Nvidias first diagram chip with „the Unified in such a way specified Shader Architecture “. That is, there are no specialized pixel and Vertex Shader, but universally applicable Shader, which take over the arithmetic exercise depending upon need, dynamically. Altogether werkeln in the Geforce 8800 GTX full 128 of these arithmetic units, which Nvidia Streaming processors baptized.
The actual diagram chip clock amounts to with the Geforce 8800 GTX only 575 MHz. The clock frequency of the Streaming processors of the Nvidia flagship is however with 1350 MHz. Threading units so mentioned divide the resulting arithmetic problems dynamically into small pieces and send you to the Streaming processors. Nvidia calls this technology „Gigathread Technology “.
Already on board the Geforce-8-Grafikchips a physics arithmetic and logic unit is named quantity Effects Physics Processor. She is to take over the physics computation. We could not experience detailed information to the quantity Effects Physics Processor unfortunately.
Firmly stands however that Geforce 8 now - just as ATI - which can accomplish High dynamic rank Rendering (HDRR) with 128-Bit-Genauigkeit, without which you thereby edge smoothing to up to the 16x-Full-Screen-Modus do without must.
So that the diagram memory does not out-brake the computing power of the 128 Streaming processors, Nvidia the Geforce 8800 GTX 384 bits a long memory interface spendiert. Besides the top model may access full 768 MT GDDR3-Speicher. The clock frequency amounts to 900 MHz. Thus the theoretically maximum memory range increases to violent 86.4 GB/s.
With the small brother Geforce 8800 GTS is long the memory interface only 340 bits. In addition the chip may access only 640 MT GDDR3-Speicher, which work with a clock frequency of 800 MHz. The theoretically maximum memory range amounts to however nevertheless still 64 GB/s.
The Geforce 8 supports Direct X 10 as well as open GL 2,0 and is besides SLI able. The maps have two dual left DVI i connections and a video In/Out socket. The diagram chip supports HDCP (High bandwidth digitally content Protection) and can thereby also highly dissolved films show, which are stored on Blu ray and Hp-DVD-media.
According to statements of our sources of information Geforce-8-Grafikkarten is to be available to the starting date on 8 November 2006 in sufficient numbers of items. Violent is however the price: Diagram maps with the flagship Geforce 8800 GTX are to cost approximately 650 euro, GTS models strike with approximately 500 euro to beech.