Galactic Civilizations III - 64BIT announced

correct :) It's a discount pre-order with beta access.

Although they haven't said how many expansions there will be, 2 seems a safe bet, but like they are doing with Fallen Enchantress Legendary Heroes they will probably release smaller pieces of DLC between expansions as well.

Did also see on the GC3 forum that they are planning Steam Workshop support.

I decided to go for the legendary pack, Stardock will look after their customers, so I'm confident it will pay off in the long run
Yeah i can honestly say i had a problem with DarkAvatar expansion and Stardock support was brilliant in helping me fix the issue straight away.
Made a nice change for customer support :)
How much is the Premium pack in £'s .Think i may have to get it :)
meh this made me want to get galciv2 again :(
3.74 on steam right now :D

off to the shop to get me some sweets whilst it downloads/installs :D
i really wanted to get into GC2 but the tutorials were awful and i didnt have a clue what was going on. Fingers crossed 3 has a better , shallower, more hand held learning curve.
Any one know when the alpha and beta are out, very tempted to do the $99 founder.

Alpha, game, all future dlc and expansions. Just the game and expansions will be over $99

Why can't this be out now, I need a new game.
I think it's a founder price you get to suggest name of a star system etc. etc. which a lot of games seem to be doing now oddly enough. I wouldn't ever dream of dropping the cash after being burnt by Stardrive but I wouldn't be averse to paying the retail price when it launches as long as it's good :)
I'm sick of this early access bullsh*t. It's like buying a pair of shoes for double the retail price and only getting the shoelaces. Stupid.
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