Galactic Civilizations III - 64BIT announced

Anyone find the ship fights rather boring and the process poor, they could have made it a proper interactive part where you can use strategy to help with beating the odds.
I'm enjoying it at the moment ( actually playing it more than W3 ! ). It has no major flaws or bugs, but don't expect a massive upgrade from GalCiv2. I'm sure DLCs etc will enhance it further in time. If you need to scratch that 4 X itch ( and love space themed games ) then I'd recommend it. Of the recent 4 X games Endless Legend remains my favourite though ( with AoW3 and expansions a close second ).
I'm enjoying it, starbase building is great as is influence. You can win the game without firing a shot. Diplomacy is ok.

The thing annoying me the mist is tech tree, doesn't appear to be a way to zoom out, even after switching to classical view, that makes things hard to find/decide.

Agreed it's a great base far better than stardrive2 and I'm sure there will be many DLCs to come.

What happened to asteroid mining, I can't seem to discover that, where before it use to be easy and early on.
So frustrating and good at the same time.
Want sensors, engines and trade.
But to get that need research and manufacturing as well.
I just can't pick the right research order.

Have won one two games so far.
Won on a huge map last night.
Don't like how when your spanking a civilisation they just hand all their assets to someone else.

Wish ships also gained experience.

No one could do anything.
My ships had 200 fire 200 shields and enough sensors to cover the entire universe each. Biggest other empire where pushing 100 fire power combined in a fleet.

Certainly hope they bring out some updates, there's some tweaks I would like.
But thoughly enjoying it.
Anyone figure out how to add custom designed ships to the core list. As that's what the auto build builds from. I don't want my constructors with lots of bells and whistles like it automatically does. Want to pump one out per turn.
I'm not aware of a way to add player made ships to the core list. All the custom made ships seem to get listed under the user tab. I think a large number of tweaks will be made to the game in time ... a good base to build on though.
Need to research and build morale boosting buildings, it's heavily influenced by population as well. Exponentially.
So get those morale boosting properties in bonus squares.

This game needs a update or two, a few to many missing features. Haven't played in a while.
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