Galactic Civilizations III - 64BIT announced

What kind of game is this? Is it like EVE?

Looks interesting.

It's a classic 4x strategy series that's been very successful amongst fans of the genre, think Civilisation in space. The type of game you lose your life too, but not for it's current price :p

The early versions still hold their own today but look really dated.
Sounds awesome, but £75... is it going to be that price on release?

I can imagine playing through an entire campaign on Civ 5, then creating the empire/ruler used in Civ in this and pretending it's the next step in... god I'm such a nerd.
I hope the combat isn't tbs, if it was like Mount&Blade or Total War that would be amazing, turn based campaign map with real time strategy fighting or even action-RPG fighting like M&B. Wouldn't break the game if it was tbs but the combat in Civ is sooooo boring.
Bought gc2 ages ago and had a go but thought it was a bit boring tbh. Birth of the federation is still better even with the bugs.

Galciv3 doesnt seem to have moved the gfx along compared to 2, and gameplay looks the same. Dont know why anyone would pay 75 quid for what looks like galciv2 imo.
$50 for early access I might get that, when it's available.

So has anyone played the insane $100 and if so how is it shipping up, now there's been a few versions.
Thing is, they advertise as Beta, but from the videos I've seen it should be classed as Alpha still. Many of the core mechanics are not available, a lot of the content is still copied/pasted from Gal Civ 2. I'm sure I'll end up buying it eventually, but definitely not worth it yet until they actually get it to Beta status.
After owning the tinned copies of GCII this would have been an immediate pre order for me but after doing the same with Elemental War of magic, Sim City V and Total War Rome 2 I am slowly learning to show a little restraint.
At least I got my money back on that Elemental game though.
I couldn't resist any more and dropped the necessary to get this.

It actually plays pretty well now. I didn't get the chance to play as much as I wanted but there are no obvious game breaking bugs in the early game. There is clearly large chunks missing but the play is nice and smooth.

It's also great for the war-makers here as there is no diplomacy in the game so you can't have peace with anyone :D.

For those interested Stardock do a weekly dev stream. All the old ones are on youtube here. We are also promised a full game (about 3 hours) which will be posted tomorrow (according to the latest stream). Allegedly the player (one of the developers) loses Earth and doesn't notice :eek:.

Its also fun watching the dev stream because the guy playing the game can't play and talk at the same time and keeps doing odd things :D.
£27 on steam or $44.99 from stardock .Not sure what that would work out at with my Natwest bank or Paypal.
I see Beta 2 has been released how does it play now?
Bought this yesturday, seems pretty good. Never played any others only heard good things about them. Early beta still so there lots of features not in yet along with some bugs. Played for about 4 hours completed 2 games, would have been a third but it crashed.
Really fun going for the cultral win and watching the map slowly turning blue (my races colour) and annexing the planets :) Felt like i was the borg assimalting everything.
Loved the first and second, but Im waiting until it's fully released. I have no doubt the quality will be good. Im just a little bored of playing games these days that offer alpha/beta access. Yes some people think its nice to play unfinshed work but to me it can be a little off putting playing an unfinished game. Im looking forward to a polished game, that I can sink many of weeks into.
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