Games After the Witcher 3?

12 Mar 2005
What about the Batman games. Not an in depth RPG by any means but the story telling is excellent if you like your super hero stuff and there's a bit of character upgrading in there.

Arkham City is the pick of the bunch but I'd blast through Asylum first to set the scene.

Knight was decent but too repetitive and the Batmobile sections weren't great.

Also Bloodborne is my favorite game of the generation but I'd warn you that the story is pretty much non existent unless you go trawling through websites for the lore. The design of some of the bosses is the best I've ever seen in any game. There's some sick people working on that game.
19 Nov 2004
What about the Batman games. Not an in depth RPG by any means but the story telling is excellent if you like your super hero stuff and there's a bit of character upgrading in there.

Arkham City is the pick of the bunch but I'd blast through Asylum first to set the scene.

Knight was decent but too repetitive and the Batmobile sections weren't great.

Also Bloodborne is my favorite game of the generation but I'd warn you that the story is pretty much non existent unless you go trawling through websites for the lore. The design of some of the bosses is the best I've ever seen in any game. There's some sick people working on that game.
Played all the Arkham games. I've not tried the Telltale game but its on my PS+ to play.
I need a story with the game so have always discounted Bloodborne, Dark Souls etc.
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