So I went into Games Workshop today to buy Blood Bowl and Deathzone, with plans for two boxes of Rotters, another box of Orcs, and all the matching star players and big guys if/when they get released. And probably Norse and maybe an Underworld team later down the tracks. Super excited. I asked the manager if they had a box open. 'Nope'. 'Any minis I can see' - he couldn't find one. Fair enough. Getting a little curious I asked if they were going to be playing in the shop. 'oh no, this is more for people who play board games at home. We're not really planning on promoting it'. 'So no plans for league play then'? 'Nope'. Now this was a kick in the nuts. I grew up on Blood Bowl in my local Games Workshop back in the day. It was the gateway to Warhammer, Necromunda, Epic, Man of War, Mordheim (you know, when they had more than two games!), and Blood Bowl league play was, imho, by far the most fun thing GW have ever done. And then it hit me - there's no point buying Blood Bowl now. I might be able to get the odd game twice a year when meeting up with old friends, but that's pretty much it. So I walked out. My attitude now is you can bite me GW! If you do the same when/if Necroumnda gets rereleased, we're done for good as I literally have zero interest in 40k and the new Warhammer!