Games you're playing, and games...

Really want Celeste. Want it on switch but can't really wait while the PS4 price is currently so much more appealing

Started Doom (2016) last night. This time I WILL stick with it :D so fun.
Really want Celeste. Want it on switch but can't really wait while the PS4 price is currently so much more appealing

Started Doom (2016) last night. This time I WILL stick with it :D so fun.

I've got that game in my Steam library, but not gotten around to finishing it yet. Agree with you though it's very good for a single or multiplayer fps, especially the melee moves :D
F1 2017, won’t be buying the new one until it drops significantly in price as i’m only just starting my second season in career.

CodWWII. Won’t need be buying the new one because well, i’m enjoying the current one.

Both between Football Manager 2018

Next game will probably be RDR2, although not aure whether to buy on release or wait for price to drop.

Could also do with finishing GTA V on Xbox One..
Halo MCC at the moment, finished CE and up to the jump on the Scarab bit in Halo 2. Should have 2 polished off for Wednesdays Tomb Raider release :D
Playing enter the gungeon at the moment which should keep me occupied until Ace Combat 7, which is the next title I’m picking up in January.

Not much else interests me anymore to be honest :/ I’ve got to the point now where I’ll pick up a game, play for a few hours, then never usually go back :/
Into The Breach - this game is so good. From the makers of FTL.
RE1: HD - getting ready for the RE2 remake.
Splatoon 2 - I am rubbish at it but it is still great fun.
I'm playing CODWW2 for the campaign and zombies, the campaign was quite enjoyable for the most part and zombies is proving a decent time sink. Got it in the sale so pretty happy with the purchase.

Still got the FC5 mars DLC to finish but not sure i'll manage it, not got a lot left but it feels like more of a chore than enjoyment at this stage.

Did you not find the campaign on CODWWII to have an annoying loading stutter. Well it did for me when I tried it on the first campaign level. Its a momentary hitch every few mins when traversing the level. Others reported on it too. 4k HDR 60fps is great, but not with the immersion breaking stutter every few mins.

Halo MCC in 4k HDR. CE and 2 are a stutter fest and simply not optimised enough. 3 is good, smooth, but with audio balance issues. 4 is superb and looks amazing. Now doing Halo 5, which is great, but missing the HDR of the MCC.
Did you not find the campaign on CODWWII to have an annoying loading stutter. Well it did for me when I tried it on the first campaign level. Its a momentary hitch every few mins when traversing the level. Others reported on it too. 4k HDR 60fps is great, but not with the immersion breaking stutter every few mins.

Halo MCC in 4k HDR. CE and 2 are a stutter fest and simply not optimised enough. 3 is good, smooth, but with audio balance issues. 4 is superb and looks amazing. Now doing Halo 5, which is great, but missing the HDR of the MCC.

I don't recall seeing any stutter no.
Did you not find the campaign on CODWWII to have an annoying loading stutter. Well it did for me when I tried it on the first campaign level. Its a momentary hitch every few mins when traversing the level. Others reported on it too. 4k HDR 60fps is great, but not with the immersion breaking stutter every few mins.

Halo MCC in 4k HDR. CE and 2 are a stutter fest and simply not optimised enough. 3 is good, smooth, but with audio balance issues. 4 is superb and looks amazing. Now doing Halo 5, which is great, but missing the HDR of the MCC.
No stuttering here and played the same as per a few posts up :confused:. Installed internal or external? Running insider build?
No stuttering here and played the same as per a few posts up :confused:. Installed internal or external? Running insider build?

CODWWII: This would have been end of June when i tried. Never been part of insider. Xbox One X, 4k HDR, OLED tv. External hdd, then transferred to internal, no difference. Digital Foundry commented on it too. Totally smooth until you move a couple of hundred yards and then a hitch/stutter, then totally smooth again. It felt like a loading issue to me. The cutscenes were a bit choppy too like on the ship at the start doing the 5 finger knife thing, but I could have lived with that.

EDIT: sorry if you're referring to MCC, then issues I had were with 1 & 2 only, in terms of stutter. On external. 3,4,5 all smooth though. Others commented about similar issues when I looked on forums. Campaign only, no insider. The issue with 1 and 2 was not on all levels. However when it did happen it looked very much like a frame pacing issue from what I could see. Swicthing to classic mode eliminated the issue, so I doubt its hdd related as it was also independant of moving around when you get the notification that its loading or you're passing a check point. On top of that there is something not quite right with the aiming feel. Made even more pronounced when you get to the later games when the issue is gone.

Halo 4 btw is absolutely stunning in 4k HDR 60fps. It easily competes with some of today's games visually.
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AC: origins is keeping me busy, but I’ll be getting plenty of gaming in now as I’ve got the new tomb raider, Fifa 19 and RDR2 all on pre order. Will pick up Spider-Man if I can get it for a decent price too. Likewise AC: Odyssey.

That’ll probably see me right through to the new year lol!
Finished Doom and loved every minute of it. Really had the feel of the originals. I have now started The Last of Us and starting to get into it now. Not sure what to play after this one, maybe GoW or wait for RDR2.
I'm stuck with Hollow Knight now so it's time to finally play UNCHARTED 4! Picked it up last night as it's on sale. I'm surprised the events of this game are still totally unknown to me quite frankly as it's really old now.
Put the new Tomb Raider on pause because the latest patch has broken the audio, so I'm now split between Watch Dogs 2 again and Forza Horizon 3.
Last of us: Remastered in anticipation of Last of Us 2. Might not finish it as can't get in to it. Probably Spiderman or Tomb Raider for Christmas depending on prices
Assassins Creed and RDR2. Need to finish TR (probably the worst of the 3) though still not a bad game. Will be interested to see if RDR2 can top HZD visually (unlikely as HZD was 4K CB which was incredible).
Astrobot is getting some love from me at the moment. Reminds me of Mario 3D Worlds/ Odyssey but in VR
It's a bit of a masterpiece if you ask me and I've only done the first few worlds.
Great stuff!!
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